Magma KE (Brand Builders) | Agency Vista

Magma KE (Brand Builders)

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Magma KE (Brand Builders)

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Founded 2017 · Nairobi, KE  ·

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Over the past couple of years working with local and foreign startups and small businesses we gained a lot of insight on how to build a brand in the African context using principles that have worked the world over. In this virtual workshop we will share exactly what we have learnt and how to apply it to your business. Book your pot below. It's happening on Tuesday 28th. Looking forward to it.




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Rebranding involves identifying and positively redefining the core narrative of an entity. Handled properly over time this narrative slowly but surely continues to influence the perception and reputation of the entity to its audience. There being an Africa Day is an example of this positive reinforcement and we believe it is instrumental to building a better brand for Africa. Google Arts & Culture have put together a pretty decent set of pages with beautiful illustrations on how to celebrate Africa Day. See for yourself here: #africaday2022 #proudlyafrican #brandbuilding #brand #google




Over the past couple of years we got tired of doing creative and branding work for the sake of it. We set our minds to trying to figure out among other things, what kind of value we should focus on delivering to clients. Something we could do well that was hugely impactful for business and had a clear impact on the progress of our continent. We wanted to work with ambitious visionary founders in Africa and their teams. We had to ask ourselves, 'what do they really need to make their brands insanely more successful that we can provide?' Surprisingly, we discovered that aside from other factors, brand-building expertise were the real thrust behind the great brands that defined the past twenty or so years of European and American commerce. It's not just great advertising and effective promotions to push the needle, they built brands like you would construct a skyscraper. We believe the same skills will define the next two decades of business in Africa, whether by foreign brands or local brands. Brands will ultimately influence every part of our lives to a much larger extent than we can imagine. The continent is ripe for it. So what is brand building? Simply put it is the process of deliberately and systematically building connection with your audience to create high-value, long-term relationships with them that can weather competition. Practically, it involves taking all the fragmented knowledge you have about handling your brand-name, logo and colours, vision and mission, social media, communication, target marketing and so on and putting it into a long-term, step-by-step plan with the goal to win over and keep your audience. We decided to focus on becoming more of a Brand-Building agency with a bias towards local brands that are out to prove a point. From May we'll be running a series of workshops and presentations as part of a larger program in companies and co-working spaces in Nairobi to showcase what we have found so far and how they can start building their own brands. If you know a team that you think can benefit from this let us know and we can have a conversation with them. For now check out one of the core Brand-building frameworks we developed below. Let us know what you think. #creative #branding #logo #brand #founders #marketing #socialmedia #business #advertising #building #communication #africa




Very well put. Thank you Funsho Felix




Companies forget their foundations, their vision, their why. They end up attracting the wrong audience, the wrong employees and the wrong investors and eventually die. #buildabetterbrand




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