5 Blogger Outreach Examples to Help You Increase Link Conversions

If you’re thinking of creative ways to get more traffic to your website or your blog, but have reached an impasse, then you should definitely try one of the most effective strategies, most commonly known as blogger outreach.

Blogger outreach, in its very essence, is very much cold emailing. Actually, most of you would say that it is cold emailing, it just doesn’t have to do with sales but with PR.

And we all know what email marketing, in all its forms, can do:

email ROI per $1 spent graph

And since email marketing can generate that revenue for you, there are many platforms to help you out, many others that can show you how to create a landing page through editors and automation that will match your email perfectly and many others that will help you with your outreach efforts.

So, how does one contact one of these rising stars of the digital era properly? The process begins long before you even open your mailbox.

And bloggers are people and you need to take the human factor into account. It’s not a numbers game.

But don’t worry, as this post will help you push through and make sure that your digital marketing efforts, combined with the right tools and templates, will generate as much traffic as you’ll ever need, to see your digital efforts thrive.

So, let’s see some of the best examples of blogger outreach emails, complete with the reason why you should copy them!

However, email marketing and marketing automation platforms and blogger outreach tools cannot do all the work for you. They’re not the marketer, you are. It’s your job to find the email addresses, put yourself in the perspective of the blogger, and keep their target market in mind while reaching out.

1. Don’t beat around the bush

outreach example, being quick

This outreach example works a tonne for one main reason: It’s not here to waste your time and it’s not here to give you all the sweet talk when it comes to your work.

This does not mean that you don’t need to start off with the reason why you’d like to write for XYZ blog or get a link on their website. It mainly means that you’ll need to go ahead and tell the recipient what you need and why you need it.

Being short and simple, shows that you do value your recipients’ time and efforts for their own blog and their own partnerships and that you’re not there just for the show. You’re there to get something meaningful out of your blogger outreach efforts without causing any fuss.

2. Personalization can work wonders

This email is eye-catching, seeing as it’s going for the more personal approach straight on.

Personalized outreach email

Again, the sender doesn’t babble and they’re very keen on helping out with blogger outreach efforts, which is fantastic.

By mentioning the recipient’s name, you’re drawing attention straight to you. Much like you’d manage to do if you could just get over to them and introduce yourself.

The only thing you need to make sure to tone down, is the companies that you’re collaborating with. Don’t be too keen on name-dropping. Just tell the recipient what you can do for them, whether it’s backlinks, like the email above states, or a fantastic blog post that you could provide.

3. A round-up post is a good idea

roundup post outreach email


This is one of the weird ones that many love, but even more love to hate. And with good reason.

An expert round-up is a very quick and effective way to get a link or two. The problem is that not everyone is good at creating them and not everything is of value, more often than not.

Since round-ups are so popular and since their popularity makes emails that invite prospects to take part in those, even more popular, in terms of practice, you’ll need to craft the email in a way that will be just right, in order to make it irresistible.

Or at least in order to make the prospect read the email without discarding it as soon as they see the word “round-up” in there.

The above email nails it perfectly, using two pretty nice tactics: Sweet talking and name-dropping.

In other words, the sender has included plenty a name that will make the recipient feel that what they’ve received is worth their attention and they’re opening their email in a way that’s just the right amount of kind and cheeky, as they’re treating the recipient as a real influencer.

4. Don’t be cold

I loved this one for two main reasons. First of all, it’s very nice and very friendly. Secondly, it’s a well-crafted email that actually tells a story.

The tone of this email is laid-back, friendly, like you’re talking to someone you just met in a pub. This is this email’s first win, as what I can see is a person that I imagine came over with a smile -and this “Ahoy!” is such a nice touch.

But the real win here is that this email is crafted in a way that I could read pretty easily. It’s like reading a short story of very few sentences that describes the person and their passion. You see, their aim is not to write at a blog filled with medical advice. They don’t need to be serious. They want to write about their travels and traveling is a storytelling goldmine by default.

Oh and the personal touch at the end… Fabulous!

5. Spike their interest with something custom

This is also one of my favorites ever, for two main, very important reasons.

First of all, the number-dropping in it is a very clever move, as it gives a unique sense of credibility. We’re not talking about rough numbers here, either. It’s not “make about $500 more than you used to”.

Secondly, this template – and the email that goes out after that – is highly personalized. You can see the “Link to personalized, custom-made video” over there, right?

It shows that you took the time and effort to do your research and create an “offer” that will be of use – and that they can’t refuse *enter “The Godfather” theme*

I won’t claim that I wouldn’t be able to say no to this email, of course.

But it would be extremely hard to do so.

Some best practices for the end

As you saw for yourself, the five outreach examples shown above are examples that have three basic principles in mind: They’re well thought of, they show that some significant amount of research has been made and their unique value proposition is there, no matter how it’s written.

You need to set some targets and goals before you even begin to craft the perfect email that you’ll send your prospects. Travel blogs need a fun tone, financial ones mean business. You can’t confuse one for the other.

This is where research is needed. See what’s what, check out the person you’re going to contact and mimic their tone-without losing yours.

Think before you act. Before you shoot that email, make sure that what you’ve got to offer the prospects is of value to both them and their readers. If their blog doesn’t do well with infographics, don’t offer them one.

If their blog is all about posts with pictures, GIFs and storytelling, don’t take yourself too seriously and make sure that this shows in your email as well.

Don’t be too complicated and show value quickly but not in a non-engaging manner. It’s easy to name-drop, but what are those names to the person you’re contacting?

Remember, what you’re offering is perceived value and not something countable, like money. The blogger reading your post or doing the link exchange is not wasting something other than time. And it could be worse than losing money in some cases.


Remember that once one of your emails gets a response, then the doors will open. But it will take some hard work, leveraging referrals if and when you can do so and, most importantly, it will take time.

Don’t be impatient, don’t sound too demanding and keep in mind that, since you’ve got such a huge human factor playing its part in your blogger outreach endeavors, this is definitely not a numbers game.

So, what say you? Are those tips and tricks something you’d use? Is there something you’d like to suggest?

Please let me know and, as always, share the knowledge with your favorite marketer!

Téa Liarokapi
Téa Liarokapi

Téa Liarokapi is a content writer working for email marketing software company Moosend and an obsessive writer in general. In her free time, she tries to find new ways to stuff more books in her bookcase and content ideas - and cats - to play with.

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