If you’ve been struggling with making your marketing strategies work, chances are you’ve fallen victim to pervasive beliefs that simply aren’t true. Whether they’ve been spread by well-meaning sources or otherwise, many marketing myths have caused businesses to employ methods unknowingly that don’t actually work. As a result, companies have been pursuing techniques and practices that waste only their time, effort, and resources. 

Knowing these myths and the truth behind them will set you on the path to creating marketing strategies that help you achieve your business goals. Here are four common marketing myths that may be holding you back from enjoying the success you want for your business:

Your Product or Service’s Quality Will Speak for Itself

You may have spotted a few companies that claim they’ve sold thousands of products without having to market them. Although it may be possible that, out of sheer luck, it was a happy accident that happened to an entrepreneur, the truth is that marketing is essential to selling. It doesn’t have to be overt, like through advertising; it can be through word of mouth, like telling your friends about your product, who then shared it with their own friends. Marketing also happens simply by having a Facebook page for your company and a website. 

While these are all marketing channels, you’ll need to pump in extra effort to compel people to purchase from you and boost sales. 

Hinging Your Company on Terms Like “Web-Based” Will Get You Far

A few years ago, terms like “in the cloud” and “software as a service (SaaS) solutions” were novel, innovative, and forward-thinking. Using this to advertise your business was basically telling your customers that you’re at the forefront of a digital revolution, bringing something new and exciting to them. However, any Miami web design agency worth its salt will tell you that using these terms today is akin to boasting that you have a website because so does everyone else. 

These features are no longer new; in fact, most people expect every business to be involved with web-based solutions in some shape or form. Instead, you should base your marketing strategies around pain points specific to your niche and the useful, comprehensive solutions you can offer. The more detailed you are, the better.

Attracting Tons of Visitors is All You Need to Skyrocket Sales

Many companies have made the mistake of thinking that all they need to improve sales is to attract more people to their website. As only the best SaaS marketing agency will tell you, it’s all about capturing the attention of the right people. Once they visit your website, they’ll know what to look for, get the information they need and get closer to purchasing from you. Nurturing your visitors at every stage of the sales funnel will give you a better chance of converting your customers, regardless of how many visits your website receives.

Marketing Emails are Obsolete and Not Worth the Effort

Another persistent SaaS marketing myth is that businesses believe marketing emails don’t work. Since digital marketing has evolved rapidly, people are no longer opening their emails to get all the latest news about a business. However, statistics beg to differ; approximately 60 percent of consumers prefer receiving offers and updates through email. According to McKinsey, email is the most effective way to acquire new customers than social media, converting almost 40 times than Facebook and Twitter combined. With these stats, you definitely want to keep email marketing part of your wheelhouse.


Despite your best efforts, your marketing strategies may not be delivering the results you want. It may be attributed to any of these four myths, which are surprisingly common among many enterprises. Now that you know the truth behind them, you can work with a SaaS marketing company to deploy the most effective and up-to-date strategies to help you meet your objectives. 

Krafted Digital is a full-service digital agency in Miami, Florida. At Krafted Digital, we specialize in developing custom-tailored, innovative, data-driven online marketing solutions for small businesses to Fortune 500 Brands. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!