Use #Hashtags in your Social Media Marketing

Don't be afraid of #hashtags

If there’s one thing people don’t know how to use, whether they’re afraid of it or just don’t understand what it does, it’s the hashtag (#).

Hashtags are specific keywords you can add to social posts to improve reach and attract new users. By simply adding the right hashtags to your posts, users beyond your existing follower network can see your posts when they search for particular topics.

And while the whole thing seems complicated at first, hashtags are simple to use and can make a significant impact on your social media strategy when used correctly. Yes, there’s a wrong way to use hashtags as well.

So, what’s the secret to using hashtags? Start with these tips and tricks:

    • Use 1-3 hashtags relevant to your SEO and content strategy (more than that is overkill)
    • Short, memorable hashtags are much more effective than long ones
    • Avoid hashtags that are too clever or too obscure; otherwise, they won’t be found

Remember: It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that your hashtag strategy must be complicated. But really, it doesn’t. You just need to make sure your hashtags are relevant and current, and you’re using them in a way that makes sense for your brand.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

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