Email Marketing Best Practices – 10 Tips To Deliver a Successful Email Campaign

Email Marketing Best Practices – 10 Tips To Deliver a Successful Email Campaign

There are millions of articles out there on email marketing best practices. With years of experience in email marketing across a wide variety of industries, we have gathered the real secrets to delivering a successful email campaign. Email campaigns can be difficult at first to nail but, with these tips under your belt, you are guaranteed to have a leg up in the email marketing world. These email marketing best practices and tips are valuable to both B2B and B2C businesses: 

1. personalize your emails 

Your customers want to feel valued. By adding some simple verbiage to your email you can dramatically improve open and chick-through rates, as well as give your contact a sense of company care. Examples you can use to personalize your emails include “Top Picks Just For You”, then dynamically adding the products they recently viewed on the website to the email. The simplest way for personalization is using their name at the top of an email or within the subject line. Dynamic personalization is an effective technique that many email marketing platforms are capable of. This is when the individual you are emailing’s name gets pulled in. This allows the email to be even more personable.    

2. visual appeal 

When we see an email come through, it is more intriguing when the imagery and video content is aesthetically pleasing. Using bold, clear headlines, clear offers, and prominent call to actions are some of the best ways to simplify your email designs. If you have a strong visual appeal, this will leverage your written content. Here are some examples of visually appealing email banners. 

3. Sense of urgency 

Be sure to create a sense of urgency in your email headlines. This will make your customers want to look at your services or products now if there is a deal that only lasts through one day or limited supply.   

4. Tailor your emails according to previous email engagement  

When it comes to email marketing best practices, it is very important to learn from your past experiments. Take some time to dive into the data and review a heat map of what has performed well in terms of click rates and what has not within your past email campaigns. This will help you determine what your email users like the best, allowing you to optimize in future emails.   

5. Suject Lines, Subject lines, Subject Lines! 

Using an intriguing subject line and preview text is everything! If you want to always follow email marketing best practices, this is a key tip to always keep in mind. Your subject line correlates directly to your email open rates. As mentioned above, it is important to incorporate a sense of urgency into your subject lines. As simple as it sounds, highlighting the deals your company has to offer give the potential customer a reason to click into the email. Asking questions in your subject line can also help to intrigue the user to open the email. By implementing these, your customers will be more inclined to open the email, making you one step closer to a sale.   

6. clear and concise verbiage

The number one thing we see when others come to us with email examples is that they have way too much content. It is important to keep your verbiage to the point and really leverage the visuals in your email. People do not want to read chapter books in an email.  

7. clean up your email list

Sometimes the emails you are sending can bounce. It is important to go in and clean up your email list monthly to ensure that you can maintain low bounce rates and continue to expand your contacts. This also will improve your open rates by consolidating your list to people who really want to hear from your brand!  

8. get the timing right

We highly recommend that you do some deep diving into the best times to send a marketing email in your industry. This will allow you to receive the best open rates. Keep testing your emails by trying different days of the week and time of day to see when your users are most engaged.  

9. ensure your landing pages are great

Many times, people are just thinking about the email they are building out itself and not the landing page they are linking to. Landing pages are just as important. Make sure that your landing pages are relevant to the topic, have clear and concise content on them, have conversion opportunities, and that your website has an optimal user experience.   

10. keep on-brand

Consistency is key. Your brand will be recognizable if you remain consistent and use the same fonts/colors across all emails and all platforms.  

We want your businesses to thrive and are here to share our email marketing best practices and knowledge with you! Learn more about our inbound marketing services today or contact us for any inquiries or questions you may have!