Branding and Vehicle Wraps Go Hand-In-Hand

When everyone is competing for business in a day and age, building a solid brand identity plays a critical role in your companies success.


If you aren’t familiar with the concept behind brand identity, the most straightforward explanation is that it includes all the components of your company brand, such as:

  • Company Name
  • Logo
  • Graphics
  • Tagline
  • Color Scheme
  • Font
  • Advertising Assets
  • Social Media Profile
  • Business Website

The overreaching purpose of brand identity is to set your corporate personality and the mood and tone of your communications.

Vehicle Wraps And Car Wraps From Wrap Garage

One advertising outlet that can be impactful in establishing brand identity includes vehicle wraps and car wraps from Wrap Garage. With years of experience creating and installing eye-catching vehicle wraps, you can trust that your business vehicles won’t go unnoticed.

While much different from print and digital ad campaigns, vehicle wraps should have vital information easily visible so anyone driving past can make a note of your brand.

The most effective vehicle wraps are memorable in a tasteful way. Ideally, the vehicle wrap should stay aligned with the rest of your company’s advertising assets while setting you apart from your competitors.

The vehicle wrap should reflect the values and personality of your business to convey your branding message the best and contribute to more vital brand awareness.

Every time you or your employees drive or park the company vehicles, your company-owned cars do the double duty of working as a traveling billboard.

Additionally, these branding efforts make your employees identifiable immediately. In service-based businesses, this helps to establish trust. When arriving at a customer’s home or place of business, they don’t have to question whether the person at the door is one of your employees.

When working with a professional vehicle wrapping company like Wrap Garage, their experienced employees can help to ensure that your custom car wrap is:

  • Imaginative
  • Attractive
  • Informative
  • Durable

It’s worth noting that potential clients may only have a few seconds to look at your vehicle when driving, even at moderate rates of speed, so catchy graphics in combination with concise messaging are imperative.

No matter whether you’re initially launching your business, you’re rebranding, or you want to extend your existing marketing efforts, car wraps are excellent for creating brand awareness and identity.

Not only do they increase awareness and visibility in the communities you serve, but they can also help increase your revenues while protecting the underlying asset of the vehicle from minor scratches, paint dings, and UV fading caused by sun exposure.

Whether you own your fleet outright or you lease, this keeps your branded vehicles looking clean and professional throughout the year.