
SKUNKLOCK - Holiday Specials


SKUNKLOCK just too expensive? We get it, real innovation isn't cheap.  But, for a limited number of units, we have a special promotion! 

We now have a limited number of 
REFURBISHED SKUNKLOCKs available, at a massively discounted price of just $129.99!

* Terms: Refurbished means a lock may not include a box, or accessories, and may come in simple packaging but is guaranteed to work as intended.  
 Just use promo code: REFURB

Order here:

We are on a mission to reduce global bike theft 50% by 2031.  To do that, we want to put SKUNKLOCKs into the hands of as many cyclists we can.  We believe that providing refurbished units at much greater discounts (limit quantities, unfortunately) can help us achieve this.  

We also believe that your bike lock is only as good as your locking technique.  So we're offering additional discounts under certain conditions to stay true to our mission! 

1.  Did someone try to steal the bike you locked with a SKUNKLOCK and left you with a smelly lock but your bike intact? Provide an image of the lock on your bike and you holding the cut shackle, and we will replace your shackle or provide a discount code for a brand new SKUNKLOCK for 30% OFF! Just email us at with the Subject line: "SKUNKLOCK Attempted Theft Discount".
2.  Was your bike or motorcycle or scooter stolen within the last 90 days? Email us proof of a police report reporting the theft and a picture of your bike and lock you used, and we will give you a 30% off discount code for a SKUNKLOCK to make sure it doesn't happen again! Email with Subject line: "My bike was stolen - Discount"
3.  Show off that you're locking your bike with the SKUNKLOCK correctly.  We believe that a lock is only as good as your locking technique! Email us a picture of you locking your bike, with a SKUNKLOCK, using an approved technique like the
Modified Sheldon Brown technique.  Email us pictures of your bike your SKUNKLOCK to with Subject line: "Showing off my SKUNKLOCK Discount" and we will give you a coupon code for 15% off your next lock!
4.  Show off your SKUNKLOCK on social media! Post an image or video of your bike locked with a SKUNKLOCK on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or YouTube and email us the link and screenshot of the post to with Subject Line: "SKUNKLOCK on Social Media Discount" and we will send you a discount code for 15% off!
5.  Get a SKUNKLOCK FREE - Record a testimonial using your existing SKUNKLOCK with your bike like this, and we will send you A SKUNKLOCK for FREE.  Just email with link and subject line: "SKUNKLOCK Testimonial - Free Lock"

* Note - discounts may not include shipping charges and may take longer to ship depending on the availability of items.  
* Terms - by emailing any images/videos or likeness you agree that SKUNKLOCK Inc. is allowed to use this media for promotional purposes and it is property of SKUNKLOCK.

Ride safe,


P.S. This sale has limited units, normally no more than a 2-3 have imperfect boxes each month and there are only 9 refurbished units so order soon.  If code works, that means we've replenished stock and have a unit available.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it legal? How safe is it? How strong is it? What if you lose a key? How bad is the formula? Questions? We have answers!

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Hear from the Founders

There is an estimated 350 million in losses every year, that is 3 bikes stolen every minute, and that's in the United States alone.

Hear from Founders »

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