Reasons why your website does not get you any results

Posted on March 14, 2021

Reasons why your website does not get you any results

A website is undoubtedly one of the most powerful ways of marketing your business in the 21st century. With a website, you can reach more potential customers, get more brand awareness and multiply your sales. It helps improve your business credibility, saves you time, helps cut costs, and provides a level ground for competing with your industry giants.

Every person starting a website has a set of objectives in which they aim at achieving through the help of the website. These objectives vary depending on the nature of business such as:

  • To get more brand awareness
  • To receive more phone calls
  • To close more sales
  • To generate more leads
  • To get more office/shop visits
  • To get more people to register for an event, a course, a service, etc

There are unlimited ways in which a website can be of help to a business. However, the case is usually different for most websites. It is so sad that most of the websites are just there for the sake and do not get their owners any results.

Below are some of the reasons why your website could be making very little or no results:

Inadequate traffic

When choosing a location for your brick and mortar shop, you go for the place where there is a considerable number of people. The more people there are in that location, the more sales you are likely to make. However, if no one visits the shop, no matter how good your products and services are, you will definitely be wasting your time. This same case applies to websites. Having a nice-looking website is just the first step. The second and one of the most important is getting people to visit your website. I wrote an article on how you can get more visitors to your website for free. I also wrote about different types of digital marketing that can help promote your website.

Slow loading speed

Website loading speed is very crucial to your online business success. 47% of website visitors expect a web page to load within 2 seconds or less. 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Every 1-second delay in loading your website will send away your website visitors to your competitors. It is paramount to ensure your website loads the fastest possible to avoid losing potential business. Here is an article that gives tips on how to increase your website loading speed.

Poor website design

The design encompasses all the visual and interactive elements of a website interface — including the layout, color schemes, typography, images, buttons, icons, and spacing among others. If your website looks ugly and disorganized visitors are likely to abandon it and never return. Statistics show that 38 percent of visitors will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. Always ensure that the design is consistent, coherent, and aesthetically appealing across all the devices.

Poor user experience(UX)

User experience refers to how a user feels while interacting with the website. If your website visitors find your site difficult to use, they will most likely leave and look for an alternative. You can create an impressive user experience by making it is easy to use, visually appealing and attractive, easy to navigate, and with quality content.

Poor copy-writing

The reason why people may not be buying whatever you are selling them is that your website content is not convincing enough to get their attention. Your content should be unique and well crafted. It should communicate who you are, what you do, how you can help them, why they need your service/product, what sets you apart from the crowd and why they should choose you. They should feel that you really care about them and their needs and not just trying to get money out of them.

Absence of call-to-actions

So after the visitors go through your web pages, what next?
If your website does not prompt them to take a specific action, then you are doing it wrong. You could be losing plenty of potential customers as a result. You should guide them to take the desired action. Create and strategically place conspicuous buttons that prompt them to take actions such as “enroll”, “register”, “contact us”, “book appointment”, “request quote”, “get started”, “subscribe”, “call us”, etc.
By doing so you are guaranteed to start seeing some improvements in the results you get.

Bugs/errors on your website

You may have visited a website in which you found it impossible to complete an action such as purchasing a product, submitting a contact form, registering, logging in, etc. This is common on most websites.

Having such errors on your website is one of the major ways that costs your business. It is advisable to always keep testing such functionalities after some time just to be sure they are working as expected.


We start websites to help us achieve certain objectives which differ depending on the nature of business. However, most often these objectives are never met. In this article, we have explored 7 possible reasons for not getting the desired results from the website and recommended what can be done as a remedy.