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January 12, 2022

How Using Curiosity Leads To Discovering The Best Stories

By NOW Marketing Group
How Using Curiosity Leads To Discovering The Best Stories NOW Marketing Group

One of the best ways to capture attention and build relationships on and offline is by telling stories. 

Stories are memorable; they are what people talk about long after an experience has ended.

“Stories are one of the most important things brands can create today to capture attention, be seen online, and be remembered.” @jessikaphillips (click to tweet) 

To dive into the art of discovering stories, our friend Chad Illa-Petersen joined us again (because we can’t talk about stories enough) for Magnet Marketers.


Following a hardcore snipe hunt, botched pizzeria robbery, two years in a bear suit, and several moments atop a 6-foot unicycle, Chad Illa-Petersen (The Story Catcher) discovered the compelling power of stories. Today, Chad finds and crafts your brand's stories evoking emotional responses resulting in higher customer trust, conversion, and retention.

Why Stories Matter: 

Stories are the best kind of marketing content out there because they enthrall us. 

Chad and Leyni Illa-Petersen at SMWL21Just think about: whether it’s the latest rom-com or your friend dishing about a date, we all love a good story.

Stories are meaningful and memorable because they elicit emotion and tap into our hearts. They are what connect us to each other and create a sense of belonging. 

As brands, that’s what we’re here to do: connect to others and let them know that they belong. 

“Finding little quirky and weird ways to create moments; it doesn’t always have to be something super crafted…By sharing experiences that you’ve had, you connect with people.” @_storycatcher (click to tweet)

By embracing the moments that happen and finding the story within them, brands can truly stand out and create memorable moments with their audience. (Kind of like how Ocean Spray has gone all-in on the now-famous creator, Nathan Apodaca.

storycatcher-1The best part about stories? >> They aren’t hard to find. They are everywhere.  

How To Discover Stories:

When trying to catch your own story, it’s all about looking at the moments that are already happening right in front of you. 

“When it comes to your brand or business, you can follow up with people who leave reviews and ask them the story behind their review.” @_storycatcher (click to tweet)

Pro tip >> Ask more “why” questions. Reach out to have a more detailed conversation with everyone who leaves a review about your brand. Ask the customer what happened that made them want to share the experience. 

“'Why' questions are what help us get to the root of things.” @jessikaphillips (click to tweet) 

By asking “why”, you not only show that you care but get to the root of the more emotional side of things. This is memorable and serves as a connection point. 

“When you ask someone about their story, you create a portal of belonging.” @_storycatcher (click to tweet) 

There is nothing more powerful than showing someone you care by taking the time to dip deep with them and find out their “why.” 

NOW Team at SMWL21

Another idea for brands to discover stories >> make stories to celebrate your team! 

This is something that we do for our team member’s birthdays and anniversaries as a way to let our audience get to know our amazing team beyond just their titles.

Each team member gets two videos custom-made for them each year; one for their birthday and one for their work anniversary. We piece together little video messages from other teammates and photos of them engaging in their hobbies and/or with their families. 

These birthday and anniversary stories give a great look into our culture and make our team feel appreciated, supported, and loved. *Insert warm and cozy feeling* 

The best stories are ones that shine a light on someone else and serve to make them feel special. 

Og + JP-4

Getting Started As A Brand: 

The best way to get started discovering stories as a brand is to ask more questions.

Ask customers why they do business with you and when they answer, follow up with another why question. Find the story behind the story. 

“If you want to grow your business, if you want more people to work with you, spend more time worrying about their why.” @_storycatcher (click to tweet) 

You might not be as bold as Chad is to get completely decked out in a customized outfit for a special airport pickup for someone (now, THAT is a story!) but you can find stories right in your backyard! 

It just comes down to being curious and engaging more with everyone around you.  

By asking “why,” you have the opportunity to get to the heart of it; this is where you tap into someone’s emotions and create that memorable interaction. 

Want to get started finding stories today? >> You have to see Chad’s talk about catching stories at Social Media Week Lima 2021! 

Be sure to follow Chad on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

What do you think makes for a compelling story? How do you discover stories worth sharing? We’d love to hear from you!


Get the C.A.R.E. and Brand Manifesto Workbook NOW Marketing Group

Tags: asking why, curiosity, discovering stories, how to discover stories, catching stories

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