Hearing is Believing.

Ninety-nine years ago, advertising changed forever. In 1922, New York radio station WEAF aired the first paid radio commercial for the Hawthorne Court Apartments in Jackson Heights [1]. Just shy of a hundred years later, and audio ads are still as relevant as ever. However, advancements in technology have turned audio advertising into a much more sophisticated medium. With digital programmatic audio ads, marketers have more tools and opportunities at their disposal.


What Are Programmatic Audio Ads?

Programmatic audio ads are simply digital audio advertisements purchased programmatically. We just threw a bunch of buzz words at you, so let’s break it down. Examples of digital audio advertising  include the ads you hear on music streaming platforms and podcast advertisements [2]. Heard an ad on Spotify? That’s a digital audio ad. Your favorite podcast host promoting a product? Also a digital audio ad. And digital ads aren’t slowing down anytime soon. In fact, eMarketer predicts digital audio ad spending will increase 16% over last year [3].

What makes programmatic audio ads unique is the way the ads are ordered. These ads are purchased via programmatic advertising – a media buying strategy that uses automation software to purchase and serve ads digitally to specific audiences.


Benefits Of Programmatic Audio Ads

Programmatic digital audio is a highly targeted and efficient advertising play. From branding to direct response, marketers can benefit greatly from running digital audio ads. Here are some of the top reasons to run programmatic audio advertising.


Hyper Targeted

Thanks to programmatic buying, marketers can get specific with their targeting efforts. Programmatic provides the ability to layer in audience targeting geographically, demographically, and behaviorally. This also includes interests as well as lookalike targeting and re-targeting. Programmatic audio ads can drive reach with the ability to target niche audiences while maintaining a competitive price point.


No Wasted Media Dollars

With streaming audio ads, the listener must listen to the entire ad. There is no option to skip the ad, therefore there is no ad that goes unserved. Unlike broadcast radio or TV advertising, digital audio ads are only played when the user is listening to the streaming music or podcast.


Relevant Content

Between music playlists and podcasts, the range for audio content seems infinite. You can almost certainly find content that aligns with your brand’s messaging, products or services. Take a mattress store, for example. You could choose to advertise on a podcast about sleeping, sex, or even a bedtime music playlist. All three options involve content where mattresses are relevant.


Companion Banner Ads

Many streaming audio platforms offer static banner ads, or display ads,  that are paired with the audio ad track. These companion ads are displayed in the audio unit while the content is playing. As a result, listeners can also see a visual representation of the brand they are hearing about.


Premium Inventory

Programmatic buying gives you access to a variety of premium inventory. With programmatic digital ads, you can ensure your ads are running on high-quality first-class podcasts and platforms. Streaming services like Spotify, Soundcloud, and Triton can all be purchased programmatically.


Lower Cost Barrier

Speaking of premium inventory, it’s far more accessible to advertisers with smaller budgets through programmatic buying. Traditional audio typically has high-spend minimums for certain stations and platforms. However, with programmatic you can buy premium inventory on the open exchange for a much lower minimum spend barrier.



Digital Audio Ad Formats

Recorded Audio Ads – These audio ads are prerecorded and placed into the podcast or music streaming service. Recorded audio ads are available in standard lengths such as 15, 30, and 60 seconds. They come with three basic placings, including pre-roll (before audio content), mid-roll (during a section), and post-roll (after), and can be dynamically inserted.


Native Audio Ads – Native ads attempt to mirror the same look and feel as the platform they’re being advertised on. These type of ads are most associated with podcasts as they are often read by its host. There is no set length and these ads can be dynamically inserted before, during and/or after program.


Audio Ad Pods – Ad pods are the digital version of a “commercial break” for streaming music platforms. They typically run after three songs or so.


Rewarded Audio – Rewarded advertising gives the user a chance to receive some type of reward in exchange for listening or viewing an ad. This is generally used for gaming where the user gets an in-game incentive once the audio ad is completed. They usually run between five and 15 seconds.


Voice-Activated Ads – These interactive audio ads invite the listener to respond to the ad with a word or phrase. Voice-activated ads run on smart speakers, mobile streaming devices, car systems, and other digital voice channels.


Hear Us Out

Programmatic audio ads can be a powerful tool for your brand. Even if you’re currently running on broadcast radio, digital audio is a great way to extend your reach. We’ve helped many of our clients elevate their brands with the right digital audio media plans, creative and strategy. Contact us today to see what Wingman can do for your brand.