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Let’s talk about the “A” word. No, not that one. ANALYTICS To a lot of successful business owners, analytics is a buzzword that marketing and IT people throw around, but unless you live and breathe that world, you may not know what analytics really means as it relates to your bottom line. The truth is, that the analytics available from digital marketing are a roadmap for your marketing initiatives and a crystal ball for the future if you know how to read them. No one is born knowing how to analyze this data, that’s where we come in. Whether you want to learn what it all means, or a partner who can push you the details on what you need to know, Big Fish Local is here for you. The best advice we can offer is this: don’t ignore the analytics. There is gold in the numbers.

In 2021, it’s an undeniable fact that search engine optimization is a critical element in making your brand visible online. There is a lot of information out there about SEO and what you should be doing for your business. The truth is, the good advice and the bad advice look a lot alike. So here are three facts you can take to heart no matter who you work with: A solid architecture is really important. Implementing cool, new SEO tips won’t make any difference if your website structure isn’t solid for search. Your website pages, categories, subcategories, etc. helps search engines to quickly understand your website, but it also helps your human clients find what they’re looking for fast - all good things. Quality content counts. Quality content isn’t just about words. Videos and photos can be very valuable but make sure to take advantage of the “alt text” and title descriptions so the search engines know what they are looking at. Your page-load time could be a liability. Site speed is a major contributor to SEO success, so do everything you can to decrease the time it takes for your pages to load; especially when it comes to images and videos.

Quick, grab your phone and open your website in the browser. You’re looking at something that can make or break your success on Google. 5 I know it seems like the algorithms are constantly changing, but this one is too important to ignore. Back in 2019, Google implemented mobile-first indexing. So before the desktop/full version of a site, Google evaluates the mobile version to “score” the site. Given that we’re well into the billions of people who only access the internet from a mobile device, it makes sense right? SO, if your mobile website is not responsive to a mobile device’s screen size, your images don’t display correctly, or you have links that aren’t active for mobile, let’s talk. DM or comment below to connect.

If you build it, they will come? Not necessarily, when it comes to your brand’s beautiful website. Your site won’t do you much good if no one ever visits. All the blood, sweat, and tears you put into building it were only the first part of the battle. The second part is driving qualified traffic to the site. That’s where the magic happens for your business! When brand awareness is the objective of the day, look to engagement and reach as the metrics that matter. Display ads on relevant websites and rich-media formats like video and animated images will help you move from passive impressions to actual clicks. Focusing on reach maximizes the eyeballs that will see your ads. Want to learn more about how a strategic brand awareness campaign might help your business? Comment below or send us a DM.

How is your company blog doing? If your answer is, “What? Why would we need to have a blog?” read on… it’s more important than you might think. When it comes to SEO, long-form content that is high-quality and strategically written to keep people engaged ranks higher in search engine results. If you still have a largely static website that doesn’t get updated frequently, no matter how pretty and responsive it is, you will continue to rank lower than competitors who have an integrated blog. Before you start to panic about what to publish on a blog, reach out; we can help. Give the Big Fish Local team a call at 614-945-4544 to talk about how blogging might fit into your content marketing strategy.

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