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Sep 21, 2022 •
Check out our CEO's latest course on Advanced Journey Mapping! Watch it free with a LinkedIn Learning Free Trial. https://lnkd.in/eTj_QrpA
Apr 1, 2022 •
Farewell zoom for one of our favorite Market Researchers! Rachel, we are so sad you are leaving us, but wish you happiness and success in your next adventure 💛
Dec 27, 2021 •
Marketing Lessons from Squid Game!? Netflix’s Squid Game may be an intense, dark and twisted show, yet it has some great insight into how we can be successful marketers in 2022. 8 Marketing Lessons: 1. Design Matters 2. Strategy is great, but execution is key 3. New and unique is exciting 4. Word of Mouth bolsters the power of your Ads 5. If you are marketing to Gen Z, then you better be on TikTok 6. Observe & Learn 7. Tell a story that resonates with your audience 8. Don’t cheat. Do the work! Check out my latest blog post for all the details:
Jul 14, 2022 •
Your customers are more than a set of demographics To connect and engage them, you need to dive deeper to understand each audience segment's behavioral and psychological traits so you can base your marketing messages and product innovations on what matters most to your target customer. Creating buyer personas is crucial as it helps you focus on the people who are actually buying from your brand. It removes the guesswork and helps you to identify what they want, what they need, and the emotional drivers that move them from thinking to action. Looking for help with your brand buyer personas? Contact Bixa Research today to find out how we can help bring you closer to your ideal customers! hello@bixaresearch.com . . . #marketingtip #buyerpersona #audiencesegmentation #branding #targetaudience #idealbuyer #idealcustomer #businessstrategy #marketingstrategy #socialmarketing #b2b #b2bmarketing #b2c #b2cmarketing #targetaudiencestrategy #marketingresearch #marketresearch #marketingagency #digitalmarketing
Mar 29, 2022 •
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