Why Upgrades – Updates on a WordPress Website?
WordPress is a great CMS, but keeping it up to date it’s quite important due to security issues.
Every day thousands of wordpress websites get hacked. The main reason this happens is due to the lack of upgrades/updates. Some people think that creating a website is a simple matter of creating it and publish the site, and that’s it, but this is not quite true, as a site would need someone to take care of it and apply proper maintenance, otherwise the site gets old and insecure, and vulnerable and will be an easy target to any hacker, that would cause a lot of damage to your business.
Upgrades and updates on your wordpress website will bring this benefits and value to your business:
Peace of mind
Stay tunned with latest on technology.
Any person with time and knowledge can do this updating, that’s true, but what if the site gets broken in the process. Who is going to fix, solve the issues, us! (Web developers), so it’s best to have a professional web programmer retainer that handles this for you.
How to avoid your website from being hacked : Monthly Maintenance
At Donstudio we include this service in all of our plans. We keep your site up to date and secure!
See our plans https://donstudio.com/business-website-digital-marketing-1-year/
Business Website & Digital Marketing 1 Year $199.00
This is an all in one solution, You will get full website created with Digital Marketing and Website Support Monthly, Free Domain, Free Hosting
I Teach Elementor & WordPress
I’ve been doing some teaching! Of Elementor Pro and WordPress, creating websites, pages, edit pages, adding contents and understanding all the Elementor and WordPress world.
Create a Website in 2021 – How hard it can be?
Create a Website in 2021
Creating a Website in 2021 could be so easy, but hard at the same time, and the main reason why this is so contradictory matter it’s because of the internet spread and development itself. Back in the day, in order to create a website was more difficult in term of technology, tools, techniques, and you had to know at least HTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, now a days you are able to create a professional website without knowing any programming at all, but, how many websites are now a days on the internet?