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Not every #CDP is made equal. Join us on Thursday, January 26 for a webinar with guest speaker Joe Stanhope of @forrester to discuss what role CDPs play in the #marketing industry today and how the right CDP can bring your marketing to the next level. https://t.co/jvpq7zSsEa
We have a long tradition of hiring #boomerangs, even in today's competitive job market. @Adweek covers boomerang culture and how #agencies can invest in relationships by respecting employee's decisions to explore different career paths in the article: https://t.co/DwJ1xr6upc
With customers moving toward a digital-first experience across the globe, @FedEx (AMEA) saw a need to modernize its loyalty program, My FedEx Rewards. The article looks at their partnership with Epsilon, the process for the program revamp and results: https://t.co/mQdvhcJyZd
Epsilon's senior vice president of creative Stacy Ward discusses how the use of Generative AI holds massive potential for brands looking to create innovative, creative content in @TheDrum. Read on to learn more: https://t.co/A0onM5eBqX
Paid #loyalty programs have come of age throughout the last few years—and a compelling, well-structured program can remain viable and extremely popular amidst a downturn. Read more in the article: https://t.co/Ywn1ruAeHA
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