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#digitalmarketer #socialmediamanager #marketing #digitalmarketingagency
Would you broadcast your dreams and goals to everyone or would you tell only your closet friends and family? Or would you simply keep those details to yourself? Don't tell anyone what you're doing until it's done. Outside energy can throw off goals. Remember the first goal of accomplishing goals is not to tell anyone. Do you agree or disagree?
#digitalmarketing #socialmediamanagem #socialmediamanagement Did know that Facebook has recently announced the addition of some new features for its Business Suite management platform, including Stories scheduling for both Facebook and Instagram, along with a new business discovery process from the News Feed. This new option will enable you to compose Stories within the app, then schedule them to go live on both Facebook and Instagram. Your scheduled posts will then be displayed on your content calendar within the Business Suite app. This is the first time that Facebook has offered Stories scheduling. Facebook will also now enable Business Suite users to save their Facebook and Instagram posts as drafts, adding even more planning flexibility for your Stories approach.
#HardWorkPaysOff #digitalmarketingagency #onlinemarketing #contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmediamanagement
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