Fill the Gap Marketing Limited | Agency Vista

Fill the Gap Marketing Limited

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Fill the Gap Marketing Limited

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Founded 2010 · Bingham, GB  ·

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Did you know…? There are 5 billion searches every day on Google. Yep, you got it 5 BILLION! 50% of those searches are something to do with being local e.g ‘Near me’ or ‘Bingham’. So the first question is: Do you have a Google My Business profile? If no then you are really missing out! It is a FREE tool that increases your visibility in the search engine - how amazing! We have a blog that is filled with top tips on what you can do with your GMB profile and how it will benefit you and your business! Take a read here: If you need some more help with this, then get in touch and we will be more than happy to help: #Marketing #Google #GMB #Googlemybusiness #Local #SEO #SearchEngine #Search #Free #FTG #Fillthegapmarketing




📢PUBLIC RELATIONS 📢 What can Public relations do for you? Well, it helps to get people talking about you – word of mouth is a very valuable marketing tool. Here are a few examples: 📰 Press releases can raise awareness of your brand and get you published in the right media channels. 🗣️ Public speaking can get your name out there to the right crowd. Want to start shouting about your business? The Fill the Gap Marketing can help YOU! Find out more here: #FTG #Marketing #PublicRelations #PressRelease #Speakers #PR #Tools #Business #Growyourbusiness #Services #Marketinghelp #Marketingondemand




FACEBOOK ADS 👩‍💻 Ever thought about investing in Facebook Ads? Maybe you want to improve your brand awareness or promote a product/service you have to offer? Well, these are a few things you should consider first: 💻 Consider your current customer base (if you have one). 💻 Audiences can be specific or broad. There are pros and cons to both, so keep an eye on the size of your audience as you're creating. 💻 Test and iterate: There's no one-size-fits-all solution to building audiences. You can find out more here: Facebook Adverts is a service we offer and help you achieve your goals! Get in touch to see how we can help you! #Facebook #Facebookads #Adverts #Advertisement #Marketing #Social #Media #FTG




Looking to grow your business? Then join our How To Grow My Business Facebook group! It's powered by us, a team of marketing experts, the group is to help you fill any marketing gaps you might have, and most importantly, grow your business. Look out for lots of handy resources...and please join the conversation! You can join here: #FTG #Marketing #Facebook #Group #Help #Marketinghelp #Fillthegapmarketing




💰6 top tips on increasing your marketing return on investment💰 If you’re a small to medium-sized business looking to grow, marketing is definitely something you should invest in to support your business plan. If, however, like many business owners, you are working with tight margins and limited resources, you will want the biggest possible return on investment (ROI) from your marketing spend. Easier said than done, right? Check out our latest blog to find out more: #Marketingteam #FTG #Blogs #Bloggers #Content #ROI #growyourbusiness #growth #money #investment




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