GenTech Marketing | Agency Vista

GenTech Marketing

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GenTech Marketing

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Founded 2015 · Tampa  ·

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5 Marketing Trends That Will Put Your Business Ahead of the Competition in 2023 At the end of a year, people reflect on the successes and shortcomings of the previous year and anticipate the opportunities that the new year may bring. For businesses, the new year is a chance to set new goals, try new strategies, and connect with more people. As most business owners are trying to find new ways to have a competitive advantage in the marketplace, how will your business compete? At GenTech, we understand that the digital marketing and advertising market is constantly evolving and changing. Staying up-to-date on the newest trends in digital marketing and advertising is essential if you don't want to fall behind your competition. In the coming years, technology will continue to evolve, leading to the emergence of new platforms and trends. It may be difficult to keep up, but it is necessary if you want your business to reach its goals and succeed. The future can make people nervous, but if your business is well-prepared it can be exciting. As we transition into 2023, staying up-to-date with the latest digital marketing strategies will be essential for success. While business owners have so much on their plate, our team at GenTech has the expertise and the commitment to help your company succeed in the New Year. To learn more about how your business can grow with GenTech, schedule a call with us today!

December 22, 2022

What Is Customer Journey Mapping and Why Is It Important For Businesses Being able to fully understand the minds of consumers can be challenging but if a business can do so it will have a competitive edge over its competition. The goal for a business is to be the obvious choice for its target audience over its competitors. Although, the problem most businesses face is not making sure their customers are aware of their product or service, but that they actually decide to make a purchase. Often businesses are losing their customers in the marketing funnel. The customers may know about your brand, know what they can gain from you, and express interest, but fail to go through with the purchase. How can businesses ease this hesitation that potential customers have before deciding to make a purchase? They can create a customer journey map.

December 8, 2022

How We Generate Qualified Solar Leads That Convert: Case Study Let’s face it, leads are the lifeblood of any business. Lead generation is one of the biggest problems that most solar installation companies face. It’s a rapidly expanding industry, and customers that want solar are definitely out there – but how do you find those solar leads? If you're in solar, NOW is the best time to get better, diversify your lead sources and set your company up for continued success! Don't wait until the market conditions make things more challenging.

October 26, 2022

4 Changes You Need to Make in 2023 Is 2023 going to be the year you achieve all your goals? Yes, it will be; there is no better time than right now! Creating a plan of action and working towards your goals allows you to take advantage of current opportunities, build necessary skills, and gain experience that will be invaluable for future endeavors. There is no stronger way to keep you motivated and inspired than a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. That’s why now is the time to focus on your goals and make the necessary life changes to reach them. Having a goal to work towards you will create a sense of purpose and direction in your life. Although, there are certain changes you need to make in your life that will help you accomplish your goals. By changes, we do not mean writing your goals in your journal and hoping to reach them through the law of attraction. These changes can not just happen, they need to be taught. Luckily, our team at GenTech has a team of mentors and coaches that can provide you with the expertise to accomplish your business goals. The New Year is a great time to start fresh and implement the changes you want to make in your personal life and business. The start of the year is when people feel most motivated to set and achieve their goals. What are you waiting for? There is no better time to accomplish your goals than now! At GenTech Marketing we strive to provide as much value and expertise as we can to our customers.

December 22, 2022

Grow Your Business with a Scalable Revenue Ecosystem Is your business stuck on a linear path and lacking the ability to grow? Nobody wants to see their company be a small business forever. Every business owner wants to see their revenue multiply and grow into a 7 figure business. Business owners looking to increase their revenue need to prioritize the necessary steps that come with wanting to grow their business. These steps may seem obvious, yet most business owners fail to follow this direction. As a scalable business owner, you need the confidence to ensure your company can be sustainable in the long run. More and more competitors are entering the market each day and it may become difficult to stay on top. It is beneficial to invest in a mentor that will keep you ahead of the competition. Our new GenTech Scalable Revenue Ecosystem Program will help your business by using our mentor’s expertise in creating systems and evergreen funnels that can generate qualified appointments automatically.

December 5, 2022

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