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Imogen Public Relations

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Imogen Public Relations

39 reviews

Founded 2006 · Jakarta, New York, ID  ·

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Bongkar Tuntas Press Release yang Dimakan Media! Dua mantan wartawan senior dan 15 tahun berkarir di industri PR akan buka-bukaan soal tips jitu meramu sebuah press release yang disenangi media. Apa kesalahan yang sering dilakukan PR? Kenapa media malas menerima press release Anda? Bagaimana caranya merevisi press release yang sudah dimuat media? Semua dibongkar tuntas di Workshop "PR Trick! Press Release yang Disukai Media" yang diadakan Imogen Communications Institute, bersama narasumber @omjojoho Managing Director @imogen_pr om Irsyad Hadi, Media Expert. . Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 24 Februari 2021 Waktu : 13.00 - 15.00 WIB . Link Pendaftaran: . Narahubung : Tari (+6281 297 497 402) Yuk, segera daftar karena tempat terbatas !




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Shure mengundang Anda pada Webinar Tren Audio Conferencing! Ikuti diskusi yang mengupas lebih dalam audio conferencing dan teknologi audio Intellimix Audio Ecosystem Topik Utama Diskusi: - Tren Audio Conferencing - Dinamika pada industri pendukung dalam kebutuhan pertemuan dan konferensi bisnis - Produk baru Shure Intellimix dengan keunggulan teknis yang mendukung tren terkini Dapatkan informasi dan tren terkini teknologi sistem audio sebagai solusi audio dan video conference berkualitas tinggi yang mempermudah kegiatan bisnis Anda. Daftarkan segera di:




SEA GAMES 2011 – JAKARTA OBJECTIVES Managed the operation of media center during the whole event in Jakarta. SELLING POINTS * Supervised all activities in the media center including the media hospitality. * Provided media footage of each sports competition to be distributed to the media and internal documentation. * Distributed all information related to all games in every venue for all media and participants, * Produced the SOP for documenting the games and trained the government documentary crew internally. RESULTS * Positive impression from media who attended the event. * Director of Media and Broadcasting, INASOC DKI Jakarta, could claim the professional management of regional sports event in Jakarta. #communication #prindonesia #publicrelations #pragencyjakarta #socialmedia #publicrelationsjakarta

Pizza Hut dan Marugame Udon diberitakan menyajikan makanan dengan bahan yang kadaluwarsa kepada konsumen mereka. Mereka disinyalir dengan sengaja memperpanjang masa kadaluwarsa bahan makanan mereka dan membahayakan kesehatan konsumennya. Bagaimana penanganan krisis PR yang terjadi di jaringan restoran ternama ini?

Create Your Professional Branding through Linkedin Professional Branding akan membentuk image apa yang mau kita tampilkan di hadapan orang lain atau perusahaan. LinkedIn bisa menjadi sarana bagus untuk membangun Professional Branding-mu. Oleh karena itu, kanal media sosial ini menjadi penting bagi mahasiswa, calon pekerja, maupun untuk para profesional. Masih bingung gimana cara memanfaatkan LinkedIn untuk membangun Professional Branding yang bagus? Yuk, ikutan Workshop Imogen Communication Institute “How to Max LinkedIn for Your Career" Bersama narasumber @omjojoho Managing Director @imogen_pr . . Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 3 Maret 2021 Waktu : 13.00 - 15.00 WIB . Link Pendaftaran: . Narahubung : Tari (+6281 297 497 402) . Yuk, segera daftar karena tempat terbatas ! #marketing #publicrelations #lowongankerja #opentowork #motivasi #openforopportunities #carikerja




Invitation : Trend Audio Conferencing in 2021 Hi there, My client SHURE wants to invite you to a Virtual Seminar on Tuesday, Jan 19th: Tren Audio Conferencing dan Teknologi Audio dari Intellimix Audio Ecosystem. I believe it’s important for you to have updates and networking in Audio Conferencing Industry at this event. Please find the details below : Date: Tuesday, Jan 19th, 2021 Time : 14:00 – 15:30 WIB Medium: Zoom Meeting Spokespersons : ● Shinto Nugroho, Head of Public Policy & Government Relations, GOJEK Indonesia ● Budiarto Linggowijono, Kepala Badan MICE, KADIN ● Andy Bexlim, Direktur PT Litac & Konsultan Audio Video ● Rishmond Tew, Market Development Specialist, Shure If you are interested in joining the Seminar, please let me know by replying to this message or registering on this website: or by WA to Yasmine 0821 6090 0110. In case your schedule does not allow you to attend this Seminar, we would appreciate it if you can appoint one of your distinguished colleagues to represent your Institution. Thank you for your time and appreciation. Best Regards, Jojo S. Nugroho PR Consultant for SHURE #marketing #audioprofesional #audioconferencing #audiovisualsolutions #shure




IMOGEN ASSISTED MEDIA RELATIONS IN THE IMF-WBG ANNUAL MEETINGS 2018 BALI Imogen PR team involved actively in handling media during the biggest financial events of the year, the IMF-WBG Annual Meetings 2018 that was held in Bali, Indonesia from 8-12 October 2018. 15,000 people attend the Annual Meetings, including about 3,500 delegates from 189 member countries, roughly 1,000 media representatives, and more than 5,000 participants representing the private sector, the banking community, academic institutions, civil society organizations, and also observers and parliamentarians. Imogen PR team, as part of the integrated cross-sectoral national communication team, responsible for the operation of the media center that serves International and national media, agenda setting for the host government communication team, daily press conference, media handling, information desk, press release development, and distribution. Imogen PR team worked under the Ministry of Finance communication team and has involved actively since May 2018 for all the pre-event PR activities, including a regular media campaign, high-level multi-stakeholder events, national chief editor gathering, and top key opinion leader and social media top influencer gathering. hashtag #publicrelations #pragencyjakarta

Dulux Re-painting Kota Tua 2016 Category : Best CSR Communications Name of Brand : Dulux Akzonobel Name of Campaign : Human Cities Initiative - Heritage Name of Agency : IMOGEN PR PROJECT SUMMARY AkzoNobel has always been trying to bring more colour to the urban city life through the Human Cities Initiative where AkzoNobel focuses on several aspects of the urban life such as heritage, transportation, education and sports, sustainability and colour . In 2016, AkzoNobel starts the AkzoNobel Colour Project in several cities in Indonesia including Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya. This particular project aims to add more This particular project aims to add more colour to the urban city live of Jakarta through re-painting the Kota Tua, a complex of museums showcasing the Dutch-Indo heritage and was once served as the pivotal building of old Batavia. The re-painting process itself is divided into several stage, with the first stage oversee the re-painting of Jakarta History Museum, Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramic and Kota Intan Bridge.

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