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Jul 12, 2019

The Importance of Content Sharing for Small Businesses

The effectiveness of social media comes from its ability to tap into the most intrinsic desire among us – the desire to share. Shareable content plays a vital role in small businesses, especially in today’s digital age. Anytime a website visitor shares your website content on social media, search engines (like Google), count it as a “vote of confidence” in your brand. It’s essentially the digital equivalent of a good recommendation or referral, and it’s critical for any good SEO campaign. What Is Shareability and Why Is It Important? It’s one thing to reach your consumers with your content – it’s another to persuade them to share it. Shareability is the potential a piece of content has to be broadcasted across multiple platforms. Typically, this happens when a reader will share a piece of content on their own social media page for more people to see. These shares are critical when dealing with SEO and inbound traffic. The more people who see the content, the more visitors you’ll be having. Because sharing content is third-party driven, any of these ‘shares’ can help your SEO to appear more natural and credible. Not only that, search engines and web users both favor content that’s shared. Again, it’s just like a personal recommendation from a friend! Effective Social Media Presence By 2018, the number of worldwide social media users is expected to grow towards almost 2.5 billion people. With this in mind, an effective presence on social media can do wonders for your small business – with more benefits than just improved SEO. Populating your social media with interesting and shareable content is just the beginning. The next step is complementing your content with positive communication to your social media followers on a regular basis in order to build a dedicated audience. Building a loyal audience is essential and can result in a new channel for communicating with potential customers. In return, the outcome is strengthened relationships, improves customer devotion, and greater brand awareness. Consistent Quality Content is Key Regardless of the industry, being considered a thought leader creates a sense of trust from current and prospective customers. This educational content lets your potential consumers know the wealth of knowledge you have on your product and service, creating a trust, an important business and SEO element! In the ever-changing digital world, content creation has become more useful than ever for boosting SEO, establishing thought leadership and trust, attracting visitors and generating leads, and promotion and sharing. To learn more about content sharing and how High Level Marketing can help boost your online and social presence, contact us today! The post The Importance of Content Sharing for Small Businesses appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

What is Mobile-First Indexing and How Does it Affect SEO

The search behemoth Google is slowly starting to roll out a new policy for web indexing. The concept is to rank mobile versions of websites higher than desktop sites, anticipating the trend that has seen mobile browsing overtake desktop browsing over the last decade. As of December 2017, only a few websites are currently indexed with the mobile-first policy, but the point of this test is to eventually broaden the approach to any website with both mobile and desktop versions. The importance of Google for marketing visibility is undeniable, and anything the search engine does to its algorithm becomes important to business owners. The shift towards mobile is well-documented, with US mobile-only users surpassing desktop-only users in 2015 and more than half of global web traffic driven by mobile devices since Q1 2017. If the trend continues, which seems likely, Google is getting ahead of the shift by prioritizing mobile sites over desktop sites. What this means for your website design Developing both a desktop and mobile site can be a bit more expensive, but most businesses have realized the importance of having a mobile website, and so they have spent the money to develop one. However, smartphone and tablet processing power and cooling capabilities are not the same as laptops or desktops. Even more importantly, desktops, and to a lesser extent laptops, have a continuous power supply. Mobile devices rely heavily on battery power, much more so than even laptops, which are easy to plug in and continue to use comfortably. This dual limitation of available power and processing capabilities has led to many mobile sites being less content-rich than their desktop counterparts. An unfortunate problem arises: two separate websites evolve, and the mobile version lacks some of the most exciting and important marketing tactics. Mobile website design in Amarillo Mobile-first indexing will prioritize mobile sites, and that means businesses need to focus on developing worthy mobile counterparts to their desktop sites. If your mobile page lacks most of the important aspects of your product, you will be at a disadvantage as Google’s algorithms prioritize your lackluster mobile page over your desktop page. Even worse, your competitor’s mobile page might be more highly ranked than your desktop page. Google has helpfully published a brief guide to best practices for their mobile-first indexing policy. Instead of developing separate website for mobile and desktop your site should now be using responsive web design. Responsive web design is a technique to build web pages that alter how they look using CSS3 media queries. That is, there is one HTML code for the page regardless of the device accessing it, but its presentation changes using CSS media queries to specify which CSS rules apply for the browser displaying the page. With these things in mind, businesses need to pay attention to more developments from Google’s team. SEO practices are always changing, and any announcement Google makes will be important for the future of your marketing campaigns. How the Mobile App fits in The mobile-first indexing approach is largely concerned with how mobile and desktop versions of a website will be ranked. However, the use of mobile apps is also on the rise, with literally hundreds of billions of downloads per year. How can a business leverage their app to better understand their customers browsing habits? They need to implement Google Analytics on their app, of course. In conjunction with Google Analytics for websites, using app analytics will help businesses better parse their customer base. Perhaps the mobile app users are already happy with your mobile website, and they regularly move between the app and mobile site. Or maybe they hate your mobile site, and they switch devices when they want to purchase something, using the mobile app only for browsing. These kinds of insights can help you determine how much time and effort should be spent on improving the mobile experience. Do not underestimate the trend of desktop-to-mobile browsing habits, and certainly do not underestimate the power Google has in your marketing visibility strategy online. The post What is Mobile-First Indexing and How Does it Affect SEO appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

Why Should Your Small Business Work With Us

A popular musician was once asked if he had any intention of acting in films or on TV. The musician replied, “No, and not because I wouldn’t love to. I’m not an actor. That’s like asking a pilot if he has any intention of performing heart surgery.” This is, perhaps, an exaggerated comparison, as many musicians successfully make the leap into acting, and vice versa, but his point has some truth because when one type of performer attempts to cross over into another medium, the results are often underwhelming. Sure, some are successful, but prowess in one art form doesn’t guarantee the ability to perform well in another. Similarly, skill in one area of business doesn’t guarantee success in another, especially when it comes to marketing your small business. Big businesses know this, which is why they put a lot of money into their marketing efforts. Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized brands in the world, but they didn’t earn their popularity on taste alone. As established as Coke’s brand is, they still spend billions of dollars each year to maintain their brand equity and market share. Naturally, your small business doesn’t have the same resources as Coca-Cola, but that doesn’t mean you should take on the task of marketing by yourself. The long term success of your business is dependent on a solid marketing strategy, which isn’t something that can be completed in a short amount of time, nor is it something that you can set and forget. Marketing is the food that helps your business grow, not the medicine that rescues it from decay. Your small business needs an active, evolving marketing strategy that moves with industry trends and gives your brand the best exposure to your target market. Focus on what you do best Like the example of the musician who recognizes he’s not an actor, a smart business owner knows that he or she is not a marketing specialist and should entrust those responsibilities to a company that knows how to launch and maintain fully integrated marketing campaigns that improve brand loyalty and build for long term growth and success. When you partner with the right company, you can spend less time worrying about marketing, and more time doing what you do best. Amarillo Mass Marketing specializes in helping small businesses gain more leads through web design, SEO, content marketing, and other digital strategies that produce real results. To learn how AMM can grow your small business with digital marketing, contact us today! The post Why Should Your Small Business Work With Us appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

5 Tips for Increasing Engagement on Social Media

By now, most successful business owners understand the importance of using social media to create brand awareness and engage with their audience. But simply posting on various platforms isn’t enough to capture – and keep – your audience’s attention. Success in social media relies on solid content that encourages or compels your audience to act, whether that action is responding to a question, sharing your link with friends, or purchasing your services. The following tips will help you identify a sound strategy and increase the chances promoting audience engagement. 1. Post the right content. Before you start posting, take the time to identify what content is currently resonating with your audience. You can do this by watching what your competition is doing or using one of the many available tools that help brands identify relevant content to share. 2. Post when your audience is listening. No matter how much time you put into your social media plan, you’re not going to get any type of engagement if your audience isn’t listening. Find out when and where your audience is most active, and post when you have their attention. 3. Start a conversation. Success in social media also depends on maintaining an ongoing conversation with your audience. You should use your various media channels to speak with your audience, not at them. Post content that encourages them to respond and join in on the conversation. 4. Include a call to action. What do you want your audience to do? Do you want them to answer the question you presented in your post? Are you trying to get them to share information with their friends and followers? Identify how you want your audience to act, and then tell them how to do it. 5. Proofread. Revise. Proofread. Many business take social media’s informality as a cue that they don’t need to put as much effort into their writing. This is a big mistake. Your posts represent your brand’s voice, and if you don’t take the time to put together well-written and thoughtful posts, you run the risk of appearing lazy, unreliable, or uneducated. While there is no specific blueprint for social media success, following these steps will improve your chances of engaging and growing your audience. Remember, what works today might not work tomorrow, so if what you’re doing now isn’t working, resist the urge to throw in the towel and, instead, tweak your strategy until you land on something that works. The post 5 Tips for Increasing Engagement on Social Media appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

Your Customers Are on the Move

The Internet is evolving at an alarming rate, and as a small business owner, it’s important for you to grow along with it. Last week, we briefly discussed local consumer search behavior, and concluded that advertising in the phonebook is no longer a relevant way to reach new customers. Today, we will take a deeper look into local consumer search and purchase behavior to understand why it’s critical to adapt to the mobile takeover of web-surfing activities. Remember back in the ‘90s when everyone kept saying you needed to have a website in order to be relevant? (Well, they were right.) And your website had to have cheesy Flash animations and blinking advertisements, right? (Okay, wrong.) Now we’re telling you that the future of your website is mobile optimization. Wrong, again? Well, at least half right. We will concede that mobile is not the future. In truth, mobile is now. A recent study conducted by Google in May 2014 states that 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information—and a whopping 88% of those consumers are using their smartphones to do so. Consumers also purchase at a higher rate after local search—18% of local smartphone searches led to a purchase within a day. However, 60% of mobile users say they’ve encountered problems when browsing sites that are not mobile-optimized, which led them to abandon the page. Now, we’ve all been there. A friend sends us a link to a website that, when opened, presents us with a jumbled page of unorganized garbage that is clearly not formatted for our phones. We leave immediately. Most people wait only 6-10 seconds before they abandon pages, either because it was too slow to load, the formatting made the content too difficult to read, or the site crashed. If your customers can’t easily browse your site, they will surely leave uninspired. In our fast-paced world, where anything we want can be found at the touch of a button, it’s all about time. When we want something, we want it now. Mobile users are growing less patient and a frustrating mobile experience on your website could hurt their perception of your brand. We search when we’re on the go and we need answers quick. If a user is able to immediately find you on Google, easily navigate your site, read it effortlessly, and load your pages quickly, you will guarantee a great user experience and convert visitors into customers. By mobile-optimizing your site, you can: Greatly improve user experience Streamline your content Increase website load speed Improve mobile SEO Gain a competitive edge The evidence is clear: the shift to mobile is now. Mobile offers us the opportunity to build websites that are intuitive for users and profitable for business owners. And the trend towards mobile is only increasing. If your content is not mobile-friendly, your customers will go elsewhere. Your competition is counting on it. The post Your Customers Are on the Move appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

SEO The Impact of Web Design

At its core, SEO is about user satisfaction. The more people visit your site, find what they’re looking for, and are pleased with their experience, the higher your site will rank. Web design and aesthetics are often overlooked aspects of SEO, and sites that overlook design are missing out on clicks and conversions. To raise the stakes even higher, users determine their first impression of a site within the first 50 milliseconds they view the site. On the other hand, adopting the newest, trendiest approach to web design isn’t always effective. Here are some tips on web design for SEO. Front-side design Research has shown that users’ most common way of distinguishing the trustworthiness of a site is through the design. Credible sites are the ones that look most credible. Users were more likely to determine credibility by aesthetic appeal than by concrete criteria such as a privacy policy. This begs the question: what do users find visually appealing? The answer can take years and a web design degree, but it’s often better to focus on the basics of color, font size, and spacing. Don’t pair reds and oranges, or make your font too small to read, or crowd content together. Visitors to your site will have a much easier time, and your rankings will reflect the improvement. In addition to aesthetics, it’s vital that your site be navigable for visitors. Think about how frustrating it is when road signs are confusing, or when a GPS “recalculates” for the umpteenth time. That frustration causes users to leave websites when they can’t find what they’re looking for. Lowering bounce rates can be as simple as entering your site from the perspective of a new user, and seeing if it is easy to use. Can you find what your site’s visitors might be looking for? Is there a menu to help guide users? Do you have a search bar, and does it aid the user in locating the correct page? If the answers to these questions are “yes”, then you are probably already mindful of a user’s experience on your site, and enjoy a low bounce rate and a high conversion rate. Crawlability With all this focus on visual appeal, it’s important not to forget about the other part of design. Your website can be designed to be very user-friendly, but still lack visibility. To remedy that problem, make sure that your website is accessible to search engine’s crawlers. One trend that prioritizes design over visibility is the recent tendency to use parallax web pages. Instead of having multiple pages, like a traditional website, parallax is in essence one long page that users can navigate by scrolling through continuously. Users tend to like parallax for the “all in one place” convenience, while site owners appreciate how parallax keeps potential customers engaged. Unfortunately, parallax pages are bad from an SEO perspective. Search engine crawlers are built to recognize the traditional website format, and so they have a hard time locating parallax pages. Further, parallax decreases the overall number of links on your site, meaning that you have decreased the opportunities to implement keywords that can boost your site’s search ranking. It is much easier for search engines to locate your site if each page’s URL has a keyword in it. Increasing the number of URLs by sticking to a traditional site architecture provides more specific URLs with more keywords, which increases your site’s exposure. Mobile Friendly mobile first indexing seo Since 2017, searches from tablets and smartphones have accounted for 57% of all searches in the United States. In order to satisfy those users, it’s vital that your site be mobile friendly. If users can’t access your site with the device they are mostly likely to search on, your SEO rankings will take a hit. So, websites should be designed to fit on mobile devices. This means that font is resized to remain visible, the page is resized to fit on a smaller screen, and navigation is simple. Mobile friendly companies are also increasingly developing apps. Good app design follows the same principles of color, spacing, and sizing, and can make all the difference between a good and a bad user experience. Avoiding design mistakes can make your app stand out and improve your user’s satisfaction. Web design is a vital part of SEO. In order to sell products, retain users, and build your brand, your website needs to cater to the needs of users. When a great web design is combined with effective crawlability, websites can quickly climb in the rankings towards increased visibility. The post SEO The Impact of Web Design appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

Boosting Facebook Posts

Social media is here to stay. It’s the one-stop-shop for updates on your friends, family, news and so much more. More and more businesses are using Facebook to leverage their promotions, products, and services they offer to expand their audience reach. If you have a business, then you know the importance of a solid social media presence and how it can impact your business. But what if you’re a small business or not gaining a large following on your Facebook? The answer is easy – boost your posts. Simply put, a boosted Facebook post is a post that you pay for to reach a wider audience. For example, when you create a post on your company’s Facebook page, only a certain number of your page’s fans will see the content. When you pay to boost that particular post, you’re essentially widening the post’s visibility. Not only will your own followers see the post, but a larger audience beyond them will see it too – such as friends of friends or individuals with similar interests. Previously On Facebook… Gaining consistent engagement on your business page used to be much simpler. You post a robust status informing your followers of new products or services and people would like, share and comment on it. Sounds good, right? Not so fast. Because that post would only reach those who’ve liked your page (and you want to gain more of an audience) it wouldn’t reach those outside of your page’s circle of followers unless they shared the post on their personal page. Choose Your Target…Wisely Now, with the recent algorithm change implemented by Facebook, the intention is to encourage businesses to engage in boosting, or pay for posts, to gain even more visibility than before. What does this mean for you, the business owner? More views, more people and more awareness for your company at a small price. Before, you could only boost a post and send it out to those who’ve liked your page and their friends. Now you have three options: People who like your page and their friends People similar to people who like your page People you choose through targeting You now have the control to tailor your boosted posts to specific audiences. You can experiment with each of the options to see which audience generates more engagement. But what does each one mean? Let’s break it down. People Who Like Your Page and Their Friends Say you want to start with baby steps, dipping your toes in the Facebook boosted posts pool – this would be the safest bet. Your boosted post will be shown to not only your audience – but the friends of your audience. Think of this as the +1 guest of visible Facebook posts – except on a much larger scale. People Similar to People Who Like Your Page This is the next step if you want to really expand your social media horizon. Targeting similar people who have already liked your page, this option can greatly increase traffic to your post. Your post will be visible to those individuals based on qualities such as demographics, interests and activities. This method could be considered your “next generation” of consumers. You will be reaching those who have similar interests and needs as your original followers who may be looking for your company’s goods or services. People You Choose Through Targeting Lastly, we have the most customizable option for those that really want to hone in on a specific group. With this choice, you can choose from many variables to target a specific audience. From age, gender, location to even political viewpoints and relationship statuses – the options are endless and you can get very particular. How does this help you? You can refine your chosen audience down so precisely that you don’t have to worry about your posts being seen by people who aren’t interested – which saves time and money. Think of this option as Frankenstein – you are picking and choosing specific variables of your potential audience and piecing them together to create an audience that’s tailored to your company’s needs. The Best Time to Boost Unfortunately, there is not a universal “right time” to boost a particular post. The best thing for a company that is active on social media is to monitor their audiences’ activity. If a business is new to the social media world, their best bet is to sporadically post at different times during the week. This can give you an idea of when the users are most and least active. Once you have figured out the timing, it’s important to focus on boosting posts during the increased periods of activity to get the best results. One way to find this information is from Facebook insights. This very powerful tool can help you track user interaction on your company’s page. By using Facebook Insights, this allows you to determine the best day and time to post to your page. You can also see which content was the most favorable and best received by your audience. Lastly, it’s good to be aware that Facebook Insights is almost constantly updating to reflect any developments or patterns that appear on your page. So keep checking back to get a good read on it. Don’t Overdo It Yes, there is such thing as too much of a good thing! When boosting posts, you want to be choosy. Pick a post that’s important to you and your business. Overdoing it can make your posts appear too often in people’s news feed, causing them to scroll right by. The best case is to boost a post either once or twice a week, but make sure the content is compelling, unique and engaging. There you have it! Boosting your Facebook posts can not only increase your visibility to a wide variety of audiences but can also increase revenue for your company. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try, nothing negative can come out of it (unless you think more customers are a bad thing). Boosting a Facebook post can bring the most positive impact for any business that’s dived into the social media realm. From promoting offered goods and services to leading more traffic to a website and spreading overall awareness – a small price can make for huge beneficial results. The post Boosting Facebook Posts appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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Jul 12, 2019

5 Important Factors for SEO

Although much has changed over the past decade when it comes to using “the right” Search Engine Optimization strategies, SEO itself is still extremely important when building a website. A website should ideally be built including effective SEO from the start. It is much easier to implement a solid SEO plan when you create a website that is already very well optimized. With that being said, if your website was built without an SEO plan and you don’t want to start over, it is possible to put the right SEO strategies into place. It will require time, dedication and money, but without the right optimization, your website is doomed. One common misconception about SEO is that as long as you target the right keywords and throw those keywords everywhere and anywhere across your site’s pages, your SEO plan will be successful. While this may have worked in the past, it simply isn’t enough anymore to simply throw keywords into random site content. In order to create and implement a successful and lasting SEO plan for your website, you must look beyond the immediate desire to improve your site’s rankings. You can (and will) move up in search engine results if you implement a good SEO plan, but it requires a little bit of time and patience. There are a virtual plethora of SEO techniques to choose from in today’s technology-centered world. The problem with the over-abundance of information about how to use SEO, is that many business owners don’t have a good understanding of which SEO tactics actually work well and which simply aren’t worth the time and effort it took to write about them. Naturally, you’re here because you want to know all there is to know about how to make your website’s SEO work so well that you’re increasing your customer base and your bottom line. While there are many more than five ways to successfully implement Search Engine Optimization strategies into the pages on your website, today we are going to focus on five factors we find to be the most important in order for your website’s SEO to get you the results you’re looking for. Fast Page Load Time It’s no secret that internet users have become more and more impatient as technology continues to advance year after year during this tech-era. Immediate gratification is so desired by internet users that a large number of people will leave almost any site if it fails to load on command. In fact, websites that take longer than three seconds to load are considered a “lost cause” to many visitors, and they will simply click out of the site and onto one of your competitor’s websites that loads faster. In addition to losing customers due to a slow loading page, you will also be losing points in the ranking wars. Search engines love pages that load quickly and Google has even listed site speed as one of the absolute most critical factors in page ranking. No matter how gorgeous your website looks, or how well you implemented all of its content, if your home page loads slowly, no one will hang around long enough to convert, and you might as well flush all of the money you spent on stellar web design right down the toilet. Here is a good “non-developers” guide to fast load time. Link building To those who are just getting familiar with SEO, it can seem counter-intuitive to include links to other websites in your content. After all, isn’t that simply giving the reader a good reason to leave your site and visit the site you linked them to? Technically it is, but by linking to relevant websites that contain great content, you will actually begin to build your website’s reputation. When you include out-bound links on your website, you create what is known as “trackable traffic.” In the long run, substantial trackable traffic looks great to search engines, and your website will continue to rise in value. Also, by linking to reputable sites first, you will start to build a relationship with some very authoritative bloggers and website owners. It’s a great strategy to reach out to the blogger to whom you have linked, so they can have a look at your site. Many times, they’ll return the favor by linking back to your website in their content as well. Inbound links (links that send readers to your site from a different site) are naturally even more important (and desirable) than outbound links. However, you won’t find many authoritative bloggers who are willing to link to your website without a link to their site first. Give, and ye shall receive. Write Incredible Content The truth is, no one is going to be interested in linking to your website or blog if you don’t have anything of value posted there. This portion of your SEO strategy is going to require an investment of time and potentially money but it will be worth every second and every cent in the long run. If you have it in your budget, hire a professional writer as soon as possible. Train your writer on the basics of SEO, but keep the writing focused on being engaging, interesting and relevant to your readers. If you don’t have engaging content on your website, you’ll get nowhere. Online visitors and search engines hate poorly-written content, and you simply won’t rank with it, regardless of how many keywords you stuff into it. The written content on your site should include several pages about your business, like: Services, About Us, Contact Info, and Blog at minimum. Keep your company blog consistently filled with new, relevant, exciting, interesting, and (most importantly) fresh content. In other words: don’t steal content from other websites. That is called plagiarism and not only will it harm your site rankings, but it is illegal. Make sure you’re writing with a human audience in mind. By focusing on using more detailed, long-tail keywords rather than trying to “trick” search engines with single keyword stuffing, you’ll be attracting the right kind of human visitors to your site – those who are actually interested in what you have to say and sell. The more visitors you engage with, the better your site is going to look to Google, and naturally, the more paying visitors, the better for your Return on Investment! Analyze Your Success from Day One For many entrepreneurs, it can be tempting to throw together a website without giving much thought to analyzing who visits, stays, and who quickly leaves your site. The key to your success, however, is having a solid analytics plan in place on the day you start designing your website (ideally, even sooner). What’s the point of building a company website if you have no way of knowing how well it’s being received? Investing in website analytic software is simply a must-do in order to grasp where you’re succeeding as well as what you need to change. Choose a software that allows you to see what parts of your website people are visiting most, and how those visitors are choosing to leave your site (exit point). Meta, Meta, Meta! If you don’t know what a meta description is, it’s a good thing you’re reading this post. Although it is often neglected, your webpage or blog post meta description is the first thing shown in internet searches. In search results, right under your website page’s title is where you’ll find the meta description. It’s the (uber critical, often overlooked) 1-2 sentences that describe your page. In order to provide users with the best experience possible, be sure to create unique meta descriptions and tags that include relevant and meaningful long-tail keywords. Avoid using the same meta description over and over for every page of your website and/or blog. This doesn’t help users, and eventually you will be penalized by Google for duplicate meta descriptions. Changing a generic or lacking meta description is easy, especially if you are using WordPress. By using the Yoast plugin, you will be given a dedicated space to insert a meta description for each page of content that you publish, along with unique title tags. Improve your social signals Social media is everything right now. This is not news to anyone. Therefore, if you’re not using social signals to boost your site’s visibility, you are seriously missing out. Your page’s collective shares and likes across all of social media are its social signals. It is more […] The post 5 Important Factors for SEO appeared first on Amarillo Mass Marketing.

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