Nettyfy Technologies | Agency Vista

Nettyfy Technologies

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Nettyfy Technologies

36 reviews

Founded 2019 · Ahmedabad  ·

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What’s New in Next.js 13? All you need to Know! Vercel unveiled Next.js 13 at their developer conference last month. The updated version, which is now in beta, adds a tonne of fascinating new features and strengthens the appeal and coherence of React’s server-side rendering and its interactions with interactive client-side components. Click Learn More to read full Article

January 4, 2023

DevOps vs. DevSecOps: Understanding The Difference DevOps and DevSecOps have long been buzzwords in the IT world. However, many people continue to misunderstand the meanings of these two terms, and many aren’t even aware of them. DevOps and DevSecOps are concepts that we will not just dive into in this article but also swim through. It will be completely evident to you all by the end of this essay for those of us who are confused by the concepts of DevOps, DevSecOps, SecOps, SecDevOps, and many more. Start with the fundamentals. Click learn more to read conitune the website blog

December 16, 2022

Node.Js 18 Is Now Available! An open-source JavaScript runtime environment known as Node Js is specifically employed for back-end development. Node Js 18 was released on April 19, 2022, replacing Node Js 17, which was the previous version. One of Node Js 18’s most notable improvements is its improved JavaScript V8 engine 10.1, which by default supports Global fetch. For the first six months following its release, Node Js 18 will function as the current release; however, in October 2022, it will transition into the Long Term Support (LTS) version. This LTS release will be known as hydrogen after it enters LTS. Support for Node Js 18 will last until April 2025. Click Learn More to read full article to our website

November 3, 2022

5 Stages of the Agile System Development Life Cycle The Agile lifecycle gives a fluid and adaptable approach to producing a working product more structure. Click Learn More to read full article.

December 30, 2022

Multi-Cloud Because One Cloud Doesn’t Fit All One of the essential technologies enabling digital business transformation is the cloud. Modern businesses are uniting to adopt a multi-cloud environment as the next step in their cloud growth as cloud computing becomes more widely used. It is a brand-new business reality that is here to stay. Due to its capacity to improve workload performance, increase vendor diversification, reduce risk, and more, multi-cloud is gaining popularity. - You have the chance to benefit from the unique features of each cloud platform. - You can drive innovation, increase performance, and improve risk management. - You can promote creativity, boost productivity, and enhance risk management. To sum up, organizations can greatly benefit from multi-cloud. It not only enables companies to take full advantage of each cloud provider’s capabilities, but it also enables them to realize real economic gains. All you need is a reliable business partner. Nettyfy Technologies can give you a decisive advantage over competitors by giving you access to a multi-cloud environment. Click learn more to read full article

November 24, 2022

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