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Nov 4, 2019

How Legal Chatbots Can Increase The Profit of Your Law Firm

Today, most of the businesses across all industries face the challenges of eliminating routine work. If you own or have worked in a legal firm, you will know that most of the time the employees spend their time doing redundant tasks. This prevents them from concentrating on important and complex tasks, According to 2018 Legal Trends Report by Clio shows that lawyers spend only 28% of their day on billable tasks and the average utilization rate was 29% meaning that lawyers bill only 2.3 out of * hours every day. The problem of routine and unbilled tasks It is common knowledge that companies are always looking for ways to increase their efficiency and revenue and legal companies are no different. Law firms expect their workers to bring more money. But, most of the companies say that billing more hours ad growing the client base is of the lowest priority to them. Keeping in mind, the objective of increasing revenue and raising the satisfaction of the clients the lawyers end up working for more hours then they were planning. 77% of lawyers who work for more than they planned to say it is because they want to catch up on work that didn’t get done during the day. And 51% of attorneys say they overwork as they want to be available to the clients. Routine tasks take time away from the actual work that you are doing for your clients. 77% of the firms think that hiring more staff is the answer to this problem while 58% of those want to reduce spendings. So, how can a legal industry increase income but work and spend less. One of the solutions to the above problems is Chatbot. Legal Chatbots Chatbots are appearing in almost every work field and the law industry is no such exception. Legal chatbots are a great way to optimize work processes to save lawyers time and money. A chatbot doesn’t need vacations, week-offs or rest after a day’s work. It just works for your business every second after it is created and implemented. A legal chatbot works 24/7 to provide legal aid to the customers whenever they need it. Also, it is more agile and beneficial than a human lawyer consultation. Now, a common myth is that the lawyers think they will be replaced by legal chatbots. However, that is not the case, rather they are only little helpers that will simplify the work of the lawyers and free the lawyers time to focus on more important and complex tasks. Additionally, the human lawyers can work on a consultation capacity and also check up on the work of the chatbots at times. Benefits and use cases of legal Chatbots Be available to clients 24/7 People call lawyers all the time, be it morning, evening or at night. They expect the lawyers to be available for them all the time. This is one of the reasons why lawyers often overwork. This is further proved by the result of a customer survey which revealed that 67% of the surveyed customers choose a law firm if they answer their first call or email. Therefore it is important to be available to the clients at any time but it is not possible as it isn’t very convenient and not easy to follow over longer periods of time. Thus, there was a need for an alternative. This alternative came in the form of Chatbots. Chatbots could provide answers to client’s basic legal questions and initial consultation. This led to savings both on time and money. Chatbots are your dependable employees. They work for you constantly without ever looking for breaks, week-offs or vacations. While a human employee works for 8 to 10 hours a day and looks for rest at the end of the day, a chatbot looks for opportunities to serve your business better. There are always willing to consult and provide clients with accurate legal information 24/7. Ailira (Artificially Intelligent Legal Information Research Assistant ), a legal chatbot provides legal advice 24/7 and is accessible from any of your devices. You don’t need to visit a website just write directly to Ailira in Facebook Messenger and it would solve all your queries. You can chat with Ailira as you would with a friend using instant messaging. Generate Legal Documents Productivity can be increased in a law firm by the use of legal chatbots. The legal chatbot can generate legal documents, reports, and legal briefs. Not only that, the chatbot can perform a lot of the legal work in seconds while the same work when given to an average employee takes much longer time to complete. During the process of creating documents, chatbots can provide legal help and answer basic legal questions that a client must have during this process. Additionally, from a user or a customer viewpoint is very economical. By the use of the chatbot Ailira, a user can get legal documents at a much lesser price as compared to the visit of an actual lawyer. A client has to just answer a few simple questions required to fill the specific document and after adding the necessary details to the document, the user has a complete document. If a client would like to review the document prepared by Ailira, then he can schedule a meeting with a human lawyer and this too can be done by Ailira. Review and analyze legal documents A typical day at the legal firm involves hours of analyzing and reviewing documents, contracts, wills and agreements that need to be signed. By the use of chatbots in legal firms, companies can give attorneys time for things that require their attention the most. Chatbots can also improve the rate of productivity in a firm as the chatbots can check the documents and rapidly give results. For example, another legal chatbot ROSS is famous for its legal research feature. However, this bot can help you to review and analyze memos, motions, pleadings, and briefs. A user has […] The post How Legal Chatbots Can Increase The Profit of Your Law Firm appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Sep 4, 2019

3 Reasons To Have A Chatbot Rather Than App

We live in a world where there is an app for everything be it shopping, food delivery or travel. There is an app for everything. But everything in this world is changing so fast, that we have to stop and evaluate if apps really are that convenient as we used to think? Apps are great, but do you know who are amazing? Chatbots. The chatbots are changing our lives by providing easy communication link between a business and a user. Remember the old days, where we used to pick our telephones and dial a toll-free number and wait for quite some time to get a possible answer to our problem? Thanks to Technology and Apps, those days are well behind us. When it comes to apps, they have provided us with a very good platform to locate the products much easily in comparison to the process existing in the old days and have given us a link to contact the business much more in case of need. However, chatbots have improved on this process and given us a ready communication channel between the business and ourselves. Now we can simply write to the chatbot to help us locate the right according to our requirements, it just takes our requirements and shows us the relevant results. Even if we need assistance over something else, the chatbot is there for our need and can help us in scheduling a meeting with a human employee if we are not satisfied. Chatbots offer a great range of possibilities to help your business thrive. There are a number of reasons why chatbots are better than apps: It is better to deal with a number of Chatbots than with tons of apps Today, people’s mobiles are already overcrowded with apps. One of the best advantages of using a chatbot over an app is that you don’t need to download an app for using a chatbot and further burden the internal memory of your device. That is because the chatbots use the existing messengers such as Facebook, Telegram, Slack, Kik and Whatsapp, etc. Over the past few years, the app marketing has been apps ranging from shopping to listening to music. It’s nice to have such a variety of apps but according to a recent study, people aren’t downloading new apps as they used to. When you stop using a Chatbot, it just hangs out in your old messages Just as you don’t need to download an app to use a chatbot, you don’t need to uninstall it either. When a bot becomes irrelevant, it simply stays in your messages and thus, there is no need to uninstall it. Chatbots are faster and cheaper Another great benefit of chatbots is that they are much easier, faster and cheaper to develop. To develop an app for your business, you need to work with a professional iOS and Android developers while also cooperating with a strong UX designer. As a result, this process can take a lot of time and cost you a lot of money. Chatbots, on the other hand, can be developed at a much lower cost than app development. This makes the chatbots, a great solution for the small businesses. Even if you have a larger business and have extra money to build an app, it’s still worth considering a more economical and reachable chatbot alternative. Moreover, apps have to be tested, refined and only after that it can be submitted to app stores for approval before clients can reach your product. Apps are a costly affair as they require constant investment to develop and upgrade. Chatbots, on the other hand, are much simpler. You don’t have to worry about app development, as messenger apps are built by third parties. All chatbots feature updates can be done with continuous integration just to the backend. For businesses to develop, they must go to places where people already are which are various social media platforms and messengers. Chatbots are clearly that viable option for the businesses due to the reasons and discussions mentioned above. Other Additional reason: Apps are tougher to maintain Recent studies show that there are currently 2 million mobile apps available for iOS devices and 2 million apps for Android devices as well. This shows that it is really tough for an app to get noticed. Also, apps have to be constantly updated to keep with the latest OS versions, else it becomes outdated. Failing to update an app is sometimes enough to lose users over time. Chatbots, on the other hand, suffers from such no such disadvantages and is very easy for every type of business is to maintain. Thus, it is advisable for businesses to maintain a chatbot instead of an app. The post 3 Reasons To Have A Chatbot Rather Than App appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Mar 4, 2019

Why smooth User Experience (UX) is Vital For Business

According to a report by Forester Research, every 1 dollar that is invested in user experience will bring 2 dollars to 100 dollars in return. We believe, that this statement completely reveals the importance of and return on User experience design. What is UX? The full form of UX is User Experience. It means how customers experience your product. The main purpose of UX design is to ensure that the customers feel at ease and can navigate easily so that the customers are satisfied while looking for different products or services or just wanting to get their queries solved. The reason UX design is so important because when a user visits your website, it associates the ease of navigation through the website and the condition of your website to the quality of your products and services. If the user feels easy navigating through your website and find the things he is looking for, he will think that the quality of products you supply is of very high quality and therefore it is more likely that the user will buy from your business. On the other hand, if they find the navigation of the website very problematic and also can’t locate the right things at the right places, he will think that the quality of products you supply is also poor and thus, may not buy from you. A study has also revealed that the users judge your website in under a second of seeing it. The users look at the key elements of your website in under three seconds and decides whether he is going to stay on your website or leave it. This is another reason why the user experience design on the website should be flawless and enjoyable. According to another study, a bad experience will turn 40% of your customers to your competitors. On the other hand, a good experience will keep your customers loyal to your business. 15.8% are less likely to switch brands when there is a good user experience. This study proves that user experience plays a huge role in retaining your customers and ensuring brand loyalty. Why should Businesses care about UX design? There are a few reasons why UX design is important for your company. Some of the reasons are as follows: Making a great first impression When users come across your website, you only have a few seconds to impress, influence and engage them. Recently studies show instantly liking websites links to higher customer satisfaction for that company. First impressions are 94% design related. Therefore, if a business intends to retain its customers, keeping an updated and attractive design should be first and foremost priority so as to make a good first impression on the minds of the customers. Saving your costs in the development phase Hiring a UX designer is cheaper than hiring a developer. An experienced UX designer can predict the usability issues so that they could be immediately fixed to ensure customer satisfaction. Testing your product in the design stage helps to avoid making changes later on when it’s more experience, both from a financial standpoint and customer satisfaction standpoint. As mentioned earlier, even one bad experience is enough to push a customer away, therefore it is recommended to check the usability issues in this stage only. Dr. Ralf Speth, who is the CEO of Jaguar land Rover said it best when he said, “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.” Increasing sales If clients or users are staying for less time on your website, then obviously there are fewer chances of you making a sale. By using UX design, you are ensuring that the customers feel at ease while browsing through your websites, or looking for an appropriate good or service or just wanting to get their queries solved. By the use of UX design, you simplify the buying process for the customers. According to a recent study by Forrester Research, a well-designed user interface could raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400%.” Increasing brand recognition and loyalty If your users find your website easy to use, they will keep coming back and thus, there will be more chances of sales. If they are satisfied with the use of your website and it’s features, they will choose you over your competitors thus instilling brand loyalty in them. If customers are satisfied with your website, they will also recommend your business to their friends and family. Thus it can be said that by ensuring proper UX design, you will have higher chances of getting more and more customers with each passing day. According to a study by UXpassion, companies with highly effective UX have increased their revenue by 37% and the top 10 UX leaders in America outperform the S&P with close to triple the returns. Lower support cost, fewer support calls, therefore fewer employees UX optimized websites are much more understandable for the users and thus customers are much less likely to leave their website. If you design a website that is easy to understand, customers can understand things a lot better and thus the employees can spend more time on more complex times. Thus UX design leads to a reduction in lowering support costs. User experience design is a new trend that deserves a lot of attention and efforts to be put in it as it can lead to better business results. As discussed above for various reasons, it is extremely important that the users find what they are looking for on the website and understand where they can find everything. Your website plays a huge role in forming clients, first impression of your brand, company, and product. Creating a website that is naturally understandable and a UX optimized website can greatly increase customer loyalty and boost their desire to share your website with others. The post Why smooth User Experience (UX) is Vital For Business appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Sep 17, 2018

Can Any Inbound Linking Hurt My Ranking?

The answer is simple – inbound linking cannot hurt your search ranking. How is this known for certain? Well, for one, if inbound were to hurt your rank, your competitors would continually link to your site from link farms. Such a scenario is beyond your control. For this reason, Google cannot penalize your site for any inbound linking. On the other hand, you can be penalized for illegitimate external linking. It is highly advised that you not link to any website or group of sites that may be involved in shady or unethical search practices. Doing so could result in being black-listed by Google, ultimately ruining your SEO strategy. Avoid this situation at all costs and ensure that all external links point to trusted and reliable sources. Having been involved in the internet industry for a large part of my working life, I have spent a lot of time researching and browsing the internet and reading websites, mainly for client design research, but also for occasional personal use. The one thing that I find most disappointing, is the apparent lack of thought going into website creation and it’s purpose, which in turn creates a missed opportunity for many e-businesses to become successful. My personal perspective on e-businesses and their websites, is that if they don’t take pride in their websites and show to their customers a passion for what they do, chances are, they won’t take pride in their products, and the passion for providing good customer service will also be missing. What you must remember, is that your web site is a direct reflection of you and your business. The appearance of your site is the most important factor in determining your potential success rate. In short, if your site doesn’t look professional or pleasing to the eyes at first glance, the majority of people will assume your products and/or services to be of similar poor standard. At the other end of the scale, you could fall into the trap of going overboard with the design and over complicate things with incorporating high costing flashy graphics. You may end up with a great looking and highly aesthetic web site, but the danger with this is that your site may prove unreliable and at times may take too long to load. There is nothing worse for a customer than trying to visit a slow loading site, and most will close the browser window in complete frustration. As i’m sure you will be able to work out, this will ultimately cost you business. The other major consideration (if not the most important) when designing a website is your content. Not just links, but content with passion, relativity, and understanding to the customer. When someone is searching for something in particular and they visit your web site, they’re visiting for a reason. Your site has something they want, Whether this be your product, service, and/or information. If they are unable to obtain what they’re looking for, they move on to the next site and so on. To be able to get your visitors to stay and look around your website, you must give them a reason to. Providing them with quality content will achieve this goal. There have been countless other lists and articles on the subject of website designing mistakes, but I have compiled my own list, from a designer’s perspective, of some pitfalls to look out for when considering either designing a website or purchasing a template. Remember that the simple, clear, informative and well designed sites are the most successful. If you are a current e-business and your sales aren’t what you had hoped, consider the above and take some time to look openly and honestly at your site. Spending money on improving your website is a much better investment than throwing money away on trying to advertise and market a site that just isn’t good enough to sell your product or services. If you are looking for a template or a custom designed website, be aware of the above and be prepared to ask your chosen designer or template provider questions to ensure that your hard earned money doesn’t go to waste on an inferior design, which contains any of the above. Asking questions won’t cost you a penny, and in doing so could actually save you a lot of money over the long term. Getting your website right first time is vital in terms of saving money and time. The earlier your website is up and running properly, the quicker you will be able to reap the rewards of a successful e-business. The prime mistake Newbies make is to put their website name into the Anchor Text. Unless your website contains your keywords this is a waste of a perfectly good link. Remember that Google puts a very big importance on those Anchor texts and they should always use your keywords. The second mistake is trying to put every single keyword into your anchor text and give that to everyone. There are two mistakes with this technique. 1.) Google assigns weight to each word in anchor text so if there are a lot of filler words (common in long sentences), they will “dilute” your target words. According to two recent surveys, conducted by Forrester Research and Gartner Group, ecommerce sites are losing $1.1 to $1.3 billion in revenue each year due to customers click- away caused by slow loading sites. If a page takes too long to load, your potential customer will not wait. Ultimately costing you business. Make sure you include proper META tags in the HTML of each page of your web site. META tags are HTML code that enable the search engines to determine what keywords are relevant to a specific site. About 80 percent of all web site traffic originates from the eight major search engines. It would be a good idea to make sure you’ve done your homework and fully understand how to optimize your web pages prior to designing your site. […] The post Can Any Inbound Linking Hurt My Ranking? appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Sep 17, 2018

The Importance of Anchor Text in Back-links

The importance of anchor text with respect to a linking strategy cannot be overstated. Back-links are a huge part of the search engine algorithm. When initiating a linking campaign, it is vital that external sites link using the appropriate keywords and terms in the anchor text. Almost always, linking candidates will use the company name as anchor text. This does not provide any type of description of the target company’s products or services. Sure, it may be great for branding purposes, but it isn’t usually needed. In most cases, companies already rank very high (if not first) for searches that incorporate their brand. Here is an example using fictional company “Acme Plumbing Supplies”: Most people will link simply using the terms “Acme”. This is alright, but it does not describe the company’s products or services, nor provide any context. By adding the word “plumbing” or term “plumbing supplies” (i.e. “Acme Plumbing” or “Acme Plumbing Supplies”), you may be able to drive additional traffic that may not have otherwise attained the corporate site. The post The Importance of Anchor Text in Back-links appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Apr 17, 2018

Is Search Engine Submission Necessary?

The simple answer is no – search engine submission isn’t necessary. The majority of search engines nowadays (most notably Google) crawl and index pages by following links. Using that logic, a single inbound link from any already-indexed page will identify your page to the engine. Subsequently, if that page links to other pages within your site, they will also be indexed… and so on. For this reason, inbound linking is very important. In fact, acquiring back-links may be the most important of SEO. In theory though, a website owner shouldn’t have to ’scout’ or ‘hunt’ for links. If the presented content is of interest, useful, and/or important, there is a natural tendency among web users to link to information. This is the basis for the Google PageRank algorithm. With all due respect, submitting your site to the search engines can’t hurt. Plus, it only entails about 5 minutes of added work assuming you only submit to the big guys. And once is enough… you don’t need to submit your site more than once. It doesn’t help or get your site crawled any quicker or more often. It should be noted that submitting your site to Google, Yahoo, MSN, and many others doesn’t cost a fee. Many SEO companies assert that you need to pay to be indexed. This isn’t the case and I would stay away from these companies. They are money hungry and aren’t looking out for your best interest. Would you ever consider going on a vacation across the country without bringing a map? It is hard enough to find your way in some places with a map. How hard would it be if you tried this adventure without one? Yet, this is exactly what people do every single day in the online world. They tried to build their own businesses online without having a roadmap to success. Then, after months or years of just wandering around online, they give up in frustration and quit. They walk away saying that the Internet doesn’t work for them. The reason it didn’t work is that they didn’t pick up a map and follow it! You don’t have to end up lost in the online shuffle. Below I will give you ten steps to help you map out your course and get you started in the right direction. It isn’t everything that you need to know by any stretch of the imagination, but it will give you a basic foundation to build upon. Consider it your beginner’s map to Internet marketing profits. 1. Choose a targeted market The biggest mistake most people make when starting a business is that they choose a product and then try to find people who want to buy it. If that is the direction you are starting from on your journey, then you are going the opposite direction from your destination. Wise businesses operate from a different concept. They pick a market first, and then they pick a product those people are searching for. In other words, instead of trying to find leads to sell their product to, they find targeted leads and then ask them what they are wanting to buy. Don’t even consider starting a business until you know exactly where you are going to get your leads from. Think targeted customers first. Then, you can come up with a product for those individuals. Would you rather have 1,000 hits a day at your site of a general audience OR 10 hits a day of people who are desperate and willing to pay any price to buy your products? If you are smart, you will choose the people who are ready to buy! 2. Develop a Product Next, you need to develop a product or service for this market. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon of affiliate programs when you come to this step. There are three major ways to selling a product online: a. You create your own exclusive product. This is the best opportunity you have. If you develop your own product, you can pick it’s price, sell reprint rights to others, set up an affiliate program, etc. Don’t tell me you can’t do this. Tens of thousands of innovative entrepreneurs have used their own information products to get their careers started. You can to. Throughout your life, I am sure that there is something you have learned that you can share in a How-To product. Maybe you know someone else who has the right knowledge for a How-To product and you could offer to help them create a product if you both shared the rights to it. Don’t just jump past this opportunity and say it can’t be done. b. You buy the rights to a product or you JV for an offline product. You can buy the rights to successful products for $500 – $20,000. If someone else has created a product that you know your targeted market is interested in, offer them a large up-front fee for the rights to it. This way you can get your own product and never have to pay a penny in royalties. You can also search through magazines your targeted market reads and look for products people are selling. Then, give them a call and ask for the exclusive Internet rights to their product for a certain percentage of the profits or an up-front fee. c. You join an affiliate program. If you are just starting out online, this can be a good choice. You do have to keep in mind though that it doesn’t offer quite the profit potential that creating your own product or obtaining rights to one has.When choosing an affiliate program, make sure that it is something your targeted market cannot be without. They absolutely have to have it. Also pay special attention to the profits you receive from each sale. If you are only be paid 5% commissions on the sales of $10 books, you will only be making 50 cents per customer. It would take 2,000 customers just to […] The post Is Search Engine Submission Necessary? appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Apr 17, 2014

Absolute Links vs. Relative Links – SEO Value

The debate between absolute links and relative links continues to live on in the SEO world. The individual significance of each has been contested, but it is widely regarded that absolute links provide better SEO value on the whole than relative links. Many believe that absolute links have less potential for getting messed up when search engines index your page. It shouldn’t really make a difference, but many conclude that this is reason enough. Furthermore, content scrapers and RSS services may ‘repurpose’ your content legitimately (or not). In either case, shouldn’t a proper back-link be attributed to your site? This situation favours absolute links. Although this is a minor argument, it’s still worth considering. The post Absolute Links vs. Relative Links – SEO Value appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Apr 17, 2014

Incorporation of Company Branding and SEO

SEO is not an exact science. This becomes apparent when trying to incorporate both SEO and branding into a strategy. This process is finicky to say the least. On the one side, SEO deals with the placement of keywords and phrases. On the other side, branding deals with company loyalty and culture. Incorporating both sides dilutes the prominence of both. But eliminating one or the other may not meet all strategic and marketing goals. Once again, it should be emphasized that SEO is a series of guidelines rather than an exact science. Having said that, the following recommendation can be used to satisfy both sides of the equation. In general, keywords and phrases (i.e. SEO) should remain the focus of any early-stage company, while the incorporation of company branding should appear later in the evolution. This is simply a general statement and should not be taken word for word. The reasoning is pretty straightforward. At first, no-one knows the name of your company, but perhaps they are searching for your products or services. In other words, you want to target keywords and phrases that focus around your offering rather than your company. As you build loyalty and credibility, branding becomes more important. It’s at this point that you may want to incorporate corporate messaging to strengthen the relationship with customers and instill trust in your brand. One final thought about branding: if a searcher types in the name of your company, they are likely to find your website anyways. This is due mostly to anchor text and back-links. Therefore, optimizing for the company name is rather insignificant in most cases. The post Incorporation of Company Branding and SEO appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Apr 17, 2014

Strategic Use of Images in Search Engine Optimization

When assessing page structure and layout, there is a subtle, yet strategic way to use images in an SEO-friendly manner (beyond ALT tags) that improves your search rank while allowing you to integrate the necessary marketing message(s). Confused? Let’s look at an example: Suppose you operate a travel site and you want to optimize a given page for the term “Las Vegas hotel”. Suppose that you also want to include an enticing marketing message such as “Book now and save 20%!”. The aforementioned tagline lacks descriptive text, but possesses persuasive characteristics. That being said, you may want to place the tagline in an image and the key phrase (i.e. Las Vegas hotel) in a header tag. This places emphasis on the desired term, yet still provides a marketing opportunity without compromising keyword consistency. In other words, images are a great place to insert marketing messages that lack the necessary keywords and phrases. Leveraging this technique will ensure that descriptive text is indexed, while less marketing jargon is overlooked. The combination of keyword-rich content and enticing messaging will satisfy both sides of the strategic equation. The post Strategic Use of Images in Search Engine Optimization appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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Apr 17, 2014

Google now discounts all reciprocal links

For a long time, reciprocal links have remained at the forefront of most inbound linking strategies. This is going to have to change. Google now discounts all reciprocal links. The algorithm has been altered to identify the exchange of links by two parties for the purpose of increasing their number of inbound links. The concept of reciprocal linking defies Google’s original intention with the algorithm. Quality content should attract links. The exchange of links is nothing more than a mutual agreement to unjustifiably promote others’ content with the end goal of promoting your own. Google doesn’t particularly like this (see Link Schemes). Some even claim that Google is now able to identify three-way linking schemes (i.e. website A links to website B, who links to website C, who links back to A). Whether this is true or not is hard to say. One thing is for certain though: inbound linking strategies should NOT be centered around reciprocal linking. This manufactured form of link creation is not well-received and is ultimately a waste of time. Instead, focus on creating unique, high-quality content in a given niche. The links will ensue. The post Google now discounts all reciprocal links appeared first on Spencer Kinney | Digital Media Agency.

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