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Jul 26, 2021 •
Hi, brand new connection. Want to buy some of my shit? ... Hi, brand new connection. I noticed you didn't respond to my last message. How about buying some of this shit instead? ... Hi, brand new connection. We have a wanky webinar all about this shit you're clearly not interested in buying. Fancy signing up? ... Hi, brand new connection. I noticed you didn't sign up for our wanky webinar all about that shit you don't care about. Fortunately, we recorded it so you can download it here. ... Hi, brand new connection. I noticed you didn't download our wanky webinar about the shit you didn't ask me to tell you about. How about we jump on a Zoom so I can sap the last drops of life out of you for an hour. ... Disconnect... #PutTheReaderFirst #BuildARelationship #DontConnectAndSell #Copywriting #ContentWriting https://bit.ly/3v7cAk6
Jun 30, 2021 •
They say the pen is mightier than the sword but I suspect whoever said that didn’t have to defend their land from 10,000 rampaging Vikings armed only with a biro. #Copywriting #ContentWriting
Jul 21, 2021 •
How do you write for business? Does it have to be strictly formal and follow all the rules of English grammar? Or can you let go a bit? And start a sentence with a conjunction? Or end with a preposition if you want to? My new blog explores these questions https://bit.ly/3zji4Kz What's your view on strict grammar in business writing? #Copywriting #ContentWriting #Grammar
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