VirrgoTech | Agency Vista


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VirrgoTech on LinkedIn

Mar 27, 2021 • Public

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” ― Anais Nin Are you willing to taste life twice? Are you willing to retrospect and #write your heart out, reliving the moments you did and creating those you wish you would have lived? #CreativeWriting isn’t just about writing for others, it’s about writing for yourself. It’s about looking at the world from a new angle, not the way it is but the way you felt it has been all along. At the heart of creative writing is the person you know best — yourself. It’s your creation and no one in the world can unlock the chambers of your mind, read what’s in there, and do the job for you. The maker of your story will always be you. “So why am I here?” You’re here to master the art of self-expression. You’re here to learn how to set a better sail: where to begin the writing process, how to proceed, what to avoid, and how to be inspired. If writing is your true calling, here’s to you for finding the opportunity to be here! You’ll know why as you proceed reading. It’s time to explore the seven important chapters of your writing journey now — and we’re going to do it together. So let’s go! ____________________________________ #writer #storytelling #inspiration



VirrgoTech on LinkedIn

Mar 8, 2021 • Public

Happy Women's Day to all the incredible women out there!



VirrgoTech on LinkedIn

Feb 6, 2021 • Public

#SEO guidelines. There’s a shipload of them coming from search engines like Google and virtually all of it has to do with providing the right #userexperience. One way or another, search engines will penalize you if you disregard the rules and make the site visitors unhappy. “User Experience!” That is the mantra every website owner should hold on to in 2021 and beyond. And the Core Web Vitals Google has recently introduced are going to be a big part of that experience. In this post, we've discussed what #CoreWebVitals are and how they are going to be one of the key ranking signals (as well as a determining factor to your SEO success) in the days to come. Take a look!



VirrgoTech on LinkedIn

Mar 21, 2021 • Public

#SearchEngineOptimization is roughly an $80 billion dollar industry. It’s how search engines push website owners to provide better experiences to end-users. And it’s how businesses and individuals manage to get ranked on the most popular search engine: Google. For a newbie, there’s a lot to learn about (and from) SEO. For industry professionals and marketing people, there’s a lot to catch up with. For business owners still, knowing the basics of how #SEO works has never been more relevant and important. This specific guide is for everyone who wants to learn Search Engine Optimization and implement it in the most effective and easiest way possible. The purpose here is to make people understand SEO, not to confuse them. So we have made the entire guide as palatable as possible, avoiding jargon and technical definitions where they are not needed. Check it out and share it with the people you care about.

VirrgoTech on LinkedIn

Feb 13, 2021 • Public

You may disagree but, generally speaking, #content is the most underrated component in the online marketing space. Yet it's almost impossible to achieve growth and engage with customers without the input of content. Try SEO without content and you'll end up with a campaign that wouldn't show any sign of life. Try running supper targetted ads without investing in the landing page copy, and you'll end up getting traffic that wouldn't convert. Try churning out sales materials that scream "buy me!" without complementing them with substantial content, and people will start to hate your brand. .... Content. Content. Content. You can't afford to factor out that element in any #marketingstrategy you devise for your brand! "But how to go about planning and implementing an effective content strategy for my brand?" Maybe these cutting-edge trends in content marketing are going to help you out. Check them out in the article.

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