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Sep 28, 2022 •
Consumers often want more information before making a final purchase decision, and that means every stage of the funnel must function correctly and effectively to tempt prospects further into it and closer to conversion. Setting up such a system is not a one-and-done process; as customer needs change, so too must the storyline and calls to action a brand weaves around its offerings. Here, members of Forbes Agency Council including our own Natalie Nathanson share 15 important things they would advise their clients to consider when revamping a marketing funnel: https://hubs.li/Q01nrTP-0 #b2bmarketing #b2btech #marketingstrategy #fractionalmarketing #cybersecuritymarketing #leadgen #demandgen #forbes
Sep 22, 2022 •
Marketing for tech firms is getting harder. Many of today’s buyers prefer a journey devoid of salesperson contact until the last minute– and yet want to feel connected to your company. Purchasing decisions are highly complex, made by committee or a web of internal stakeholders. And your message must somehow break-through in the split second you have their attention. While marketing may be challenging, you don’t have to go it alone. Yes, you can find a marketing firm that specializes in B2B technology products and services. The right one will readily grasp the complexity of your products, audience and industry — and drive the right strategies coupled with measurable results. Our latest guide can help you choose this marketing partner, answering questions like: Is it better to outsource marketing or build expertise in-house? Do I want or need a full-service firm? How do I know they have the right expertise? What’s my potential return on investment? Download our free eBook today: https://hubs.li/Q01n02Mg0 #b2bmarketing #b2btech #marketingstrategy #fractionalmarketing #cybersecuritymarketing #leadgen #demandgeneration #hiring #hiringtrends
Sep 19, 2022 •
As you probably know, when used correctly, social media can be a quick and effective channel for visibility. If you aren't driving leads from your social channels, download The Mag Team's social selling checklist that details some very basic steps to start building your presence on LinkedIn: https://hubs.li/Q01mF16y0 #b2bmarketing #outsourcedmarketing #marketingstrategy #fractionalmarketing #cybersecuritymarketing #leadgen #demandgen #techmarketing
Sep 27, 2022 •
Cybersecurity is a constantly-changing market, and with new threats and regulations emerging all the time, any B2B company needs to constantly evaluate which technologies, strategies, and tactics are necessary to make smart business decisions (and marketing decisions too!). We asked leading cyber experts to share their top priorities for themselves and their customers. Click here to read their insights: https://hubs.li/Q01nlfsC0 #b2bmarketing #b2btech #marketingstrategy #cybersecurity #fractionalmarketing #cybersecuritymarketing #leadgen #demandgen #cyberessentials
Sep 20, 2022 •
Are you noticing a decline in your social media engagement? In this recent Forbes Agency Council post, our CEO Natalie Nathanson points out that commenting is key: "the collective power of the employees’ networks needs to be tapped to maximize social channel involvement." Read on to learn more about optimizing your social: https://lnkd.in/eTVpmMy3 #b2bmarketing #b2btech #marketingstrategy #fractionalmarketing #cybersecuritymarketing #leadgen #demandgen #forbes #forbescouncil
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