April 1, 2021 - Brittany Garlin

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33 of the Best Spring Email Subject Lines We’ve Ever Seen

Spring is here. The eCommerce business is booming, and you must get a piece of that pie! All across, businesses are getting geared up to welcome new customers with spring offers, discounts, and sales. Email campaigns can pull in hundreds of returning customers — but, can the subject line of your email hinder your opens? We’ve got you covered by putting together the 33 of the best spring email subject lines we’ve ever seen!

Subject lines are critical in deciding whether the email campaign will thrive or fail. We wished that we had a secret sauce or magic recipe to help you make the perfect spring email subject line – but we don’t. We have clues and tips to help you find the best one to fit your requirements. 

Spring Email Subject Lines | Option Monster | Agency Vista

Subject lines can be changed according to the various holidays, seasons, sales, discounts, and much more. At first glance, most people do not open an email in their inbox if it does not capture the attention. Many don’t open emails. Suppose you want to avoid this dangerous scenario. In that case, it is best to ensure that the only thing that is visible immediately – the subject line – is eye-catching and grabs customers’ and readers’ attention with one glance. 

With the amount of saturation and competition in the market, it is crucial to make your products and services stand out. Subject lines usually consist of 25 to 60 words. It is essential to capture the user’s attention and create attractive, flashy messages that always convey everything in the email. 

Readers must see an impact, usability, and solutions to their issues in the email subject line. Messages that make no sense will not get opened and will get deleted unread. Writing messages that generate curiosity or show a benefit to the reader will always get opened. 

Which Email Subject Line Topics Do People Like?

Spring email subject lines and their relevance are usually dependent upon the target audience. However, some generic email subject lines are universal across all readers. 

  • Food Subjects
  • Ways to make more money
  • Marketing for beginners
  • Science-related subjects
  • New job notification subject lines
  • Shopping and Discounts
  • Banking subject lines
  • Weather and Holiday subject lines
  • Product Promotions
  • How To and DIY Hack-related subject lines
  • Money-saving tips and tricks

While this list is not exhaustive, most people find curiosity in reading about these topics in the spring email subject lines. 

33 of the Best Spring Email Subject Lines

With spring in the air, it is evident that businesses will use this change in the weather to capitalize on their promotions and product sales. 

Most eCommerce businesses plan their new marketing campaigns around spring since it signifies a new beginning. Holiday campaigns are usually the best to gather attention, push old products, launch new ones, and run sales. 

  1. Spring Break Is Here! Cash Out With 33%
  2. Track This Now: Our Spring Sale Is Here To Stay!
  3. Get A Spring In Your Step With Our Shoes
  4. Swing Into Spring With Salsa Classes
  5. XYZ Hotel: Save 30% On Your Spring Fling
  6. Spring Cleaning Gets A Boost – Use $$$$ Code. 
  7. Spring Is In The Air – Use Our Fresheners
  8. (Name), Good Things Come In Spring Packages
  9. Spring Is Here, Where Are You?
  10. Add A Dash Of _______ For Your Spring Event!
  11. Our 40% Store-Wide Spring Sale Is Here!
  12. March Directly Into Spring With Us
  13. (Name), Swing Into Spring Fever 
  14. 11 Spring Allergies To Beware
  15. 8 Ways To Avoid Spring Cleaning
  16. Sweetest Selections For Spring
  17. Spring Is Here. So Are Our Cakes And Cookies 
  18. Make Your Heart Spring With Our Cardiac Care
  19. Spring Photo Therapy For Expecting Mothers
  20. Spring Is Never Ending For You! Grab A 35% Coupon While Stocks Last
  21. Spring Has Sprung An Adventure. Enroll Now In Clue Hunt!
  22. Spring Cleaning Sale On Now!
  23. Spring Treats Home Delivered
  24. Spring Floral Bracelets 
  25. 9 Best Spring Hairstyles For Brides
  26. Spring Wedding Floral Décor
  27. Spring Is Here! Are You Spring-Vegan Menu Ready?
  28. Flash Sale: Spring Bouquets For New Brides
  29. Suns Out. Fun’s In. Grab Your Spring-Ready Kit Here
  30. Think Spring. Try These 8 New Coffee Flavours
  31. Spring-A-Boo! Extra 15% Off. 
  32. New Spring Fashions For School
  33. Wait, Spring Is Here! Get _____ Now

How To Include the Subject (Spring) in the Email Newsletter?

1. Highlight the Obvious

The best thing to do is to highlight the subject in your email subject line. Once that’s done, follow through with the content body of the newsletter. If you have a theme like spring, add product images, details, and other fashionable things related to the season. Here, you could add St. Patrick Day, Easter, and any other holiday or festive-related content. 

If you select spring as the theme, ensure enough floral patterns in the newsletter that leave no doubt about the piece. Bright colors, trending images, and so on are sure to help highlight the newsletter’s main subject. 

2. Send out Women’s Day Specials

Women’s Day is always in spring. Congratulate the women on your email mailing list, and offer them a special discount. Do this while celebrating the economic, political, and social achievements of women across the globe. Making a coupon code that embodies Women’s Day’s spirit is also a smart move – a Coupon like ‘MPOWER25’ could help drive the message home. 

Spring Email Subject Lines | Apple | Agency Vista

The newsletter and body of content should also have a quote or two about women’s achievements and contribution to society. If you don’t want to take the direct route in email marketing, you should write a newsletter centered around high-achieving women and how your product can also add value. If you don’t want to make the product sale obvious, you could omit it entirely and invite readers to check a link or click an image. 

3. Introduce the Spring Products

Email newsletters should contain the new products or services that are being offered. Since spring signifies new beginnings, it is the perfect time to include all new services, old sales, and other discounted material. 

Fashion-forward businesses could also include a snapshot of their spring line and combinations that their clothes can make. Include the ‘spring’ in your email subject line, and mention a thing or two about how fashion gurus can help with the latest fashion. If your business has tie-ups with celebrities or influencers, you could also add videos of them trying or reviewing your Spring products. 

4. Spring Contests

Scratch cards, gift cards, contests, and promotional activities all help garner interest in the business. Interactive gift cards and gift boxes with links that take users to the product website with a gift coupon can boost product sales and gather a lot of ongoing attention. For people who win these contests or cards, a unique code could be generated to send friends and loved ones. 

Lottery scratch cards with hidden promotions can also get a lot of positive feedback. Newsletters shouldn’t always be about sales and making a profit. You could also give a flat discount on the next purchase. 

5. Use Promotional Language

Spring is all about Women’s Day, Easter, Saint Patricks Day, Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. When sending out an email newsletter with spring email subject lines, you should always use the correct promotional language. Words associated with Easter would be bunny, eggs, basket, hop, cracked, chocolate, hunt, and so on. Similarly, you should develop a list of words for each of the spring-related newsletters that you will send out. 

Tips on How to Write Great Spring Email Subject Lines

1. Straightforward Text

Email subject lines are not meant to be read as whole sentences in paragraphs. They have to be precise and straightforward. Instead of telling a customer something like, “We would like to inform you that we have a sale this Thursday,” the email subject line should read, “We have a SALE this Thursday!” 

Text that gets the point across with a single glance and does not require extra time in reading, yet delivers a gist of the email, should be selected as a subject line. Indirect and long sentences in subject lines can be detrimental. Customers may not have time to read the entire subject line or may find it lengthy or tedious. Businesses also use too many verbs, adjectives and give explanations in subject lines. Giving too much information in the subject line can also be a drawback since customers may not open the email. 

2. Exclamations and Question Marks

Exclamation and question marks denote intimacy in relationships. Formal communication requires only question marks in extremely polite language. Exclamations with question marks are used to signify emotion and interest. Colloquial styles of speech are informal and used in almost all forms of social media communication. Multiple question marks are used to show emphasis or astonishment, and so on. 

Exclamations and question marks together are also used to show incredulity. Great titles are those that bring out an emotional response in readers. Using exclamations and question marks in email subject lines can grab viewers’ attention and make them open the email and read the content. 

Some examples of exclamation and question mark use in email subject lines can be, “Check out these products before they’re gone!!” or “Don’t want to miss this opportunity? Click Here Now!”

3. Include Quantitative Data

Including specific numbers and quantitative data in the subject lines show a measure of research. It gives the impression that the business is serious and understands the market. Most people prefer having actual percentages or data to back the claims that companies make. Having numbers in the subject line also shows that the business has done comparative and contrasting research.

Generic subject lines that do not hit the topic being spoken about will not get as much traction as those with this data. Some examples of including numbers in the email subject line would be, “Lose 2 kg a week with this diet” or “10 Best Holiday Spots for Valentine’s Day!”

Including numbers in the email subject line also shows a finite number in the body of the email. Open-ended lists, not enough actual data, and other marketing gimmicks do not help retain customers in the long term. These gimmicks are short-term and will not create curiosity in the minds of customers. 

4. Pose Questions

Posing questions in the email subject line can be very beneficial. When readers read the question in the subject line, they are subconsciously being asked a question. If they respond positively, they will open the email and read the contents. If they respond negatively, they will send the email to the Trash Box. 

The trick is posing questions in the subject email line is the benefit to each customer. Many businesses fail to understand that not all customers will have a positive answer to the question in the subject line. The trick in posing question-style subject lines is how to ask the question. The question should be valid to everyone reading it. It cannot be meant only for a specific demographic. If it is, then the email should be sent only to that unique target demographic. 

When posing a question, the obvious answer should also be about a benefit to the customer. If there is no benefit, the customer will choose to ignore the question. Or instance, when asking a question, the subject line in the email could be, “Would you like to save $20 each day?” or “Do you want free add-on insurance?”

5. Create Curiosity

If the email subject line creates curiosity in the readers’ minds, there is a high possibility that the email content will be opened. Curiosity leads to a need or a want for more information. To satisfy this want or need, readers will open the email and read the content. Catchy headlines and curiosity-generating subject lines will help garner more interest, and some emails may even get forwarded.

You could use phrases like these, “Do you know how to stop your skin from tanning?” or “7 Tips for Fashionable Cat-Parents.”

6. Reference Your Target Audience

There is nothing better than personalized attention. Most people are part of a larger community, school, city, society, or club. Capitalizing on these target audiences and including them in your email subject lines can immediately capture attention. If you have the demographics of your targets, you can customize the emails and subject lines according to what they like, where they shop, what they eat, their roles, sectors they work in, modes of public transport, and so on. 

Good examples of targeted subject lines would be “7 resume tips for Restaurant Managers” or “XYZ, you can avail 20% on stationery.”

7. Relevance

Always make your email subject lines relevant to the body of the content. The best way to do this is to ensure your reader is mentally transported directly into the email’s content body. A subject line should promote content from the time the reader looks at it. Relevant content always helps grab the reader’s attention and keep it engaged.

Some businesses also like to promote their content through storytelling email subject lines. When companies start with a story that leads to something else, the email’s content body has to deliver the accurate meaning without any further loopholes or hidden agendas. If the reader does not find his/her curiosity satisfied in the email, they will not look at your email again. 

Some examples of relevance and storytelling subject email lines would be, “This is the reason Google has a large market share” or “The secret recipe to open all financial doors.”

8. Bang-On Direct Offer

If you have an offer, sale, or discount that will benefit the reader, you should mention it in the email subject line. It is pretty straightforward. Hiding promotional activity from the target audience will not help you get business. Letting them know that you have what they need will draw them towards your business. 

When using bang-on email subject lines, always filter your sending list to only suit your target audience. If you send an email to everyone in your business email list, there are chances that the conversion rate of your email will fall drastically. Some examples would be “22 Email Marketing Tips for the Entrepreneur” or “5 Recipe Books for the Foodie in your Life.”

Final Thoughts

Remember, spring is a fantastic time to build up the marketing campaigns for the entire year. Use subject email lines carefully and with great thought to capture reader attention and get a boost in product and service-related sales. In case you plan on sending out multiple spring newsletters, ensure you capture the target audience, and show the brand in a positive light at all times. 

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