January 21, 2021 - Rebecca Hey

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Introducing White Labeled Customer Intake Questionnaire

We are excited to introduce a new feature that enables agencies to quickly and easily intake customer information using a ready to go intake questionnaire. This feature can be used for prospecting as well as for onboarding new customers. The idea is simple – instead of having to build an intake questionnaire form on your website, you can simply put a link to an intake questionnaire process that is available as part of your agency vista profile. You can fully customize and white label this process. Specifically, you can:

  • A domain that hosts your form (you will need to create a CNAME record pointing to agencyvista.com)
  • Agent picture (this is the picture of the person that is shown to the user)
  • Return URL – this is where the user will be sent back to once the form is completed.
  • Primary color – set the primary color to match your brand colors.
Marketing Agency customer intake questionnaire

To customize your intake form please go to My Account > Settings:

Marketing Agency customer intake questionnaire configuration

Our intake questionnaire consists of 8 sections:

  • Basic information
    • Name
    • Website
    • Industry
    • Business size
  • Business location
    • Country
    • State (if applicable)
    • City
  • Languages spoken by customers of this business (these are the languages that marketing work has to be performed in)
  • Marketing objectives (users selects from a list of objectives such as Audience Growth, Brand Engagement, Lead Generation, etc)
  • Social networks that business currently is present on
  • Monthly budget range
  • Timing – when the business is looking to hire an agency
  • Contact information
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Notes (this is where the business will provide a bit more detail about their marketing requirements)

You can easily share the link to this white label intake questionnaire on your website or social media.

Even if you don’t end up creating a white label version of this form, it will also be available as part of your agency profile.

All submissions land in your agency profile and you can easily review and respond to them. You will also receive an email notification for every submission.

If you love the built it form that is part of your Agency Vista profile – there is nothing else you need to do. Your Agency profile now has a ‘Contact’ tab that hosts this intake questionnaire. If, however, you are looking to set up a white label intake questionnaire to use your on-site or social media, please follow these steps:

  • Sign up for an Agency Vista agency account (or log in if you already have one)
  • Navigate to My Account > Settings (top right corner of your screen)
  • Scroll down to the ‘Contact Settings’ area.

If you need any help with this setup, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team!

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