May 8, 2020 - Brittany Garlin

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Marketers on the new normal: Riley Welch, CEO at social media agency 92Social

Recent research has shown that 61% of marketers are altering their short-term media strategy. However, only 9% are making long-term changes. Riley Welch is CEO and Founder at 92Social. How is a company that manages brands’ social media marketing being affected by the pandemic? We connected with Riley to find out.

Please describe your job: What do you do?

I’m the owner of 92Social which I started over a year ago. Our services include: 

1) Social Media Marketing

  • Monthly Analytical Reports (Social Media Analytics, Social Listening, and KPI Reporting) 
  • Weekly Social Media Schedules
  • 24/7 Monitoring & Moderating 
  • Live Event Coverage on Social Media

2) Content Creation

  •  Photography
  •  Videography
  •  Professional Graphics   
  •  Website Design

3) Brand Strategy 

  • Brand Positioning
  • Sponsorships and Partnerships 
  • Influencer Marketing (Strategy, Outreach, and Events)  

We are always staying on top of trends to transition with the quick time of social and digital media. 

How has my typical day been impacted in the short term by the pandemic?

Like all businesses across the world, we all have been impacted in one way or another. For 92Social, it was about pressing pause on a few projects until the pandemic is over. This pause allows me to research potential clients and search for the latest trends in social media. 

It’s about playing with the cards you’ve been dealt and turning it into a positive outcome. Although I’ve had projects put on hold, I have made sure when things get back to normal, I’m ready to go. 

What’s your favourite tool and technique to help you get the work done at the moment?  

That’s a great question! It’s difficult to work in quarantine, especially transitioning to working from home. When things get difficult or it gets hard to concentrate, I keep it simple. 

I write everything in a list, the good ol’ fashion to-do list. I throw my headphones on and start taking down the list. When tackling the to-do list, I know a lot of people start with the hardest item. However, what works for me is taking down the easiest item and then the hardest right after. This will make you feel productive and ready to take on the day! 

What companies have impressed you since the outbreak? 

There have been a lot of companies that impressed me in different ways. For one, grocery stores (Metro, Longos, etc) are evolving into delivery service. I know they offered it before the outbreak but the execution of it is incredible. They made it easier for people to stay home and stay safe. 

Secondly, what I’ve been impressed with was companies who have transitioned to curbside pickup. The amount of companies that find a way to offer that service which normally they wouldn’t have is a great example of adapting to stay on top of the times.  

Additionally, the beverage industry such as distilleries are using their tools to create products that will help the world like hand sanitizers.  

What changes are you making to help your clients’ brand connect with how people are feeling and experiencing the pandemic?  

When I was strategizing the next steps for my clients, I kept it simple as I could. Keeping it positive was KEY. Bringing positivity and sensitivity to my clients’ brands creates a positive image for their current customers and helps attract potential customers.  

What trends have you seen in the last few weeks in your sector?

In the last few weeks, I’ve noticed companies taking a step back and keeping everything transparent. We’re at a time in the world right now where everyone is coming together. Transparency is key right now. Letting your audience know what’s going on with their brands and how they’re doing their part to help the cause is critical. 

What Advice do I have for a Marketers right now? 

Right now, is the perfect time to take a step back and work on your business. It’s the perfect time to research new tools, strategies and potential new services you can add to your business. Do everything on your to-do list that you couldn’t get done before COVD-19 happened. It’s about working on your business so when things start to open, you hit the ground running! It’s go time!! 

What’s the long-term game plan for your clients? 

The long-term game plan for my clients will be continuing to create brand awareness, and increase their following by focusing on 3 key strategies 

  1. Transparency with customers  
  2. Quality of content
  3. Capitalize on additional potential customers 

When you focus on being transparent, it will provide value and retain your customers in the long term. Once you retain those customers, you will have to provide them with quality and informative content. Right now, and in the long term, people will be on social media more than ever! It’s time to capitalize on the opportunity that’s been presented to us.   

Get Connected

92Social has helped businesses create their brand presence and achieve their goals. Their process is designed to empower your brand and outfit your business with the marketing tools needed to succeed. Like what you’ve heard? Check out their Agency Vista profile to see how you can work together.

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