May 19, 2021 - Brittany Garlin

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Marketing Agency Keywords: How To Find The Best Keywords For Your Agency

Marketing agency keywords are the highly specific long-tail keywords that pertain to your industry vertical. It’s important to optimize your site and other marketing channels (i.e., an Agency Vista profile) for marketing agency keywords and not just broad, popular terms, which are often too difficult to rank for. Read on to start finding marketing agency keyword opportunities that deliver high ROI.

As a digital marketer, one of the primary responsibilities is understanding and implementing keywords in online content. Identifying keywords that help potential and returning customers, driving traffic to the website through optimization, helping with leads and conversion rates, and using SEO as an integral part of any marketing strategy.

How To Choose The Right Marketing Agency Keywords

Marketing agency keywords are singular words or a string of terms that form a sentence to get your website ranked in the first two pages of a search engine. If you want your website to rank higher in searches, you need to select the right keywords according to relevance. For users, the relevancy of keywords is critical. There are several combinations of keywords that you can use as keywords, but if they are not about the content or topic, your website will not rank. 

An example of this type of marketing tactic is to have a page full of content about digital marketing but keywords about finance. It is best practice to populate the page with words that have meaning and relevancy to the title or topic. Brainstorming correct keywords with your marketing team is best for SEO. A trick to keywords is to try googling a term related to your business and see what appears in the related searches. This is a pretty good indication about what your target audience is searching for and how they are phrasing it into Google.

Some questions you and your team can ask while brainstorming for keywords are:

  • What is the content/ website about?
  • What will customers search for?
  • How would a customer come across the site? Will it be via Maps, reviews, shopping, or search engines?
  • What questions or queries is the customer asking?
  • What issues need resolving?
  • Which are the most trending services or products of your competitors?

Avoid using broad or generic keywords. Opt for targeted marketing agency keywords to refine the focus towards your unique offering through your content. Including your geographic area or location in your keywords will help filter the search tremendously. For example, if you search for a ad agency, the keywords ‘Ad Agency New York’ will yield excellent results against ‘good agencies.’

Which Marketing Agency Keywords Work Best?

There is no single answer to this question. Digital marketing strategies need differently formed keywords compared to those used in regular content. Several types of keywords can help optimize your SEO. 

  • Short, Mid, and Long Tail Keywords
  • Target Keywords
  • On-Site
  • Google Ads Keywords
  • Buyer Keywords

Let us look at each of these types of marketing agency keywords in detail.

Short, Mid, and Long Tail Keywords:

These types are also called Keywords by Length. As the name suggests, you can put your keywords into each category based simply on their word count. 

  • Short Tail: These are usually generic words like our ‘good dentist’ example above. These are popular, easy to use, and generate an extremely high traffic volume. However, they will not bring focused searches to your site. All generic results will show up in the search results, and the competition to rank high is challenging. 
  • Mid Tail: Mid Tail keywords are more competitive than short-tail ones and are slightly more descriptive – up to three or four words. A good example is ‘best facebook agencies’, which is not very descriptive, but better than ‘good agencies‘, which is generic and does not contain the word ‘Facebook.’ Mid tail keywords generate high volumes and conversion rates. 
  • Long Tail: Long-tail keywords consist of more than three to four words and highly descriptive. These are low-competition words with low search traffic. These keywords are best for gaining higher rankings in SEO. An example of this is, ‘Top Facebook Marketing Agencies in Toronto‘. Long-tail keywords have the highest conversion rates with very focused audiences. 

Target Keywords:

Target keywords are those that are related to your audience, industry, and offerings online. Keywords included are:

  • Product Keywords
  • Branded Keywords 
  • Market Segment Keywords
  • Customer-Defining Keywords
  • Competitor Keywords 
  • Geo-Targeted Keywords
  • Product Keywords: These are keywords related to brand offerings only. Product keywords are phrases that are used to reference products and services directly. Digital marketers should strategize for each product and service individually so that potential customers can quickly find everything through their search. An excellent example of this is ‘WordStream Keyword Tool‘.
  • Branded Keywords: Branded keywords are those that include the name of the brand in the search term. These keywords can either have only the brand name along with the product or just the brand name. Users can also add other descriptions to the search terms. An excellent example of a branded keyword search is ‘Sharp and Bell Consulting‘.
  • Market Segment Keywords: These are generic keywords that are associated with industries or brands. Most large audiences use these keywords to search for general information. These keywords are broad and can be used to define generic terms across industries for marketing purposes.
  • Customer-Defining Keywords: Customer-defining keywords are those that help identify a particular type of audience. Customers usually use these keywords or phrases to define their own subsets.
  • Competitor Keywords: Competitor keywords are used by businesses to target the products and services of competing brands. It is always helpful for a brand to search for all keywords related to their competitors since it allows your business to attract similar customers. These customers could also be potential buyers. An excellent example of competitor keywords for a brand like Reebok is ‘Nike running shoes.’
  • Geo-Targeted Keywords: These are search terms that are associated with a location. Geo-targeted keywords are usually used by customers looking to search for results near them or in an area of interest. An example of a Geo-targeted keyword is ‘Toronto Performance Marketing Agency‘.

On-Site Keywords:

As the name suggests, on-site keywords usually refer to the keywords that are created explicitly for content on a landing page or a blog, article, or piece of written content. On-site keywords are usually of two types:

  • Primary
  • Related/ LSI keywords
  • Primary Keywords: Primary keywords are ones that digital marketers should strategize. These are the keywords that should be focused on a single page on the website. Each page for SEO should, ideally, have one primary keyword assigned. Keyword optimization starts by ensuring the search word is populated organically throughout the content. Doing this is a best practice as it sends a clear, strong message to the search engine that the title and topic are about that keyword.
  • LSI Keywords: LSI (Latent Sematic Keywords) or related keywords, as the name suggests, are related to the primary. These keywords are usually synonyms, variations, or an explanation. LSI keywords support the primary keywords in enhancing SEO. Usually, digital marketers assign a single keyword with two or three LSI keywords to drive traffic. These are then populated organically throughout the blog or article. 

Google Ads Keywords:

Google Ads keywords are used for targeted advertising campaigns across Google. These keywords include:

  • Exact Match
  • Broad Match
  • Phrase Match
  • Negative 
  • Exact Match Keywords: Exactly as the name suggests, exact match keywords are used to target a particular ad campaign on Google. Exact match keywords give Google the right to show your ad, only if the keywords searched for are the same or similar to your keywords. Singular and plural forms, misspellings, abbreviations, reordered words, closely related words, synonyms, and paraphrases are all included in the result. 
  • Broad Match Keywords: Broad match keywords are generic terms used to show the ads in google. Any variation of the keyword can be used to show the ads. Like exact match keywords, the broad match will also allow for all forms, synonyms, abbreviations, jumbled words, and paraphrases.
  • Phrase Match Keywords: Phrase match keywords help ad campaigns for specific terms or sentences. Google Ads search campaigns show the ads only if the words match the words given. These words can be jumbled but should have the keywords in some parts. The keywords may come before or after the phrase, but the exact phrase must always be included.
  • Negative Keywords: Negative keywords are those that are purposely excluded from the search terms. These are usually variations of the earlier three types of Google Ads that tell Google you want to stop including these words. Google allocates these keywords to negative terms since they are not relevant to the ad.

Buyer Keywords

Buyer keywords are used by prospects when they are looking to for digital marketing services. Buyer keywords are very particular in nature and usually have a very high conversion rate. Since the prospect is interested in searching only for the solutions that they need, these keywords help direct them to relevant pages. These keywords are further sorted as follows:

  • Informational Keywords
  • Transactional Keywords
  • Navigational Keywords
  • Informational Keywords: Digital marketers have to plan for informational keywords as much as focus keywords. Most consumers are aware that they need information for a product or service but do not which the exact one to pick out. Informational keywords help direct potential customers to your landing page. An excellent example of informational keywords is ‘best marketing agencies in Toronto.’
  • Transactional Keywords: Transactional keywords are search terms used by buyers who know what they want to purchase. They use these terms to search for a particular product, brand, or service with the intention of buying. Transactional keywords are buying keywords.
  • Navigational Keywords: Navigational keywords are used by buyers who want to concentrate on a particular business or brand. The buyer has a specific brand and wants to make a purchase only from that brand. Searchers who are looking for additional information regarding the finalization of the purchase use navigational keywords. These are the buyers who research and compare brands before making a final choice. An example is ‘best Puma running shoes.’

So Your Marketing Agency Keyword Research Is All Set, Now What?

Once you have your marketing agency keywords ready, sorted into groups, and awaiting action, you should start strategizing. Digital marketers should look for holes in the content that are preventing high conversion rates. These holes or gaps should be patched up immediately. Mapping the keywords to the landing pages, web pages, blogs, and articles identifies blank spaces in your content that are not generating footfall. SEO depends wholly on the successful integration of keywords with relevant content. If there are holes in your content that do not have high conversion rates, your numbers will start dwindling. 

Mapping keywords for SEO is essential for all businesses, but especially for digital marketers. Most sites with blogs and articles are content-rich and need focused keywords. The best way to find gaps in your keywords strategy is to check out what your competitors are doing. Research ways to see which keywords are used by competitors and build a better SEO strategy around those words, phrases, and sentences. 

  • Generate The Right Traffic: You can get a lot of traffic to your website, but your numbers will get hit if it is not your target audience. Target audiences are meant to visit your website or landing pages and get information or value from it. If you are an ice cream brand, but people with health issues visit your website, you would not get sales. Generating the right traffic is crucial for SEO. 
  • Use Keyword Research Tools: There is no harm in using tools that help you amplify your role as a digital marketing agency. There are several online tools that you can use to research different keywords to suit the requirements. 
  • Use Long-Tail Keywords More: long-tail keywords are specific to the search criteria and keep competition low. Since generic keywords get a lot of footfall but not enough conversions, the best bet would be to stick to long-tail keywords for higher conversion rates. 

How To Use Marketing Agency Keywords?

Just having a list of marketing agency keywords isn’t enough. The actual trick is in using them correctly. Focusing on using one marketing agency keyword per landing page will help increase conversion and footfall. Search engine crawlers quickly follow the trail to your website and identify the main topic or title. These crawlers also check for relevancy, so ensure that your content is wholly relevant to the topic.

  • Include marketing agency keywords in the URLs
  • Add the marketing agency keywords to the meta tags
  • Organically add the relevant keywords throughout the article or blog
  • Mention your marketing agency keywords in the description of the images on your website

Building trust in the consumers’ minds is critical for your agency. Creating original helpful content for potential and returning customers will help bring continuous traffic to the website. If the content helps answer questions or solves issues, gives information, and helps the customers, you will start the brand awareness and brand-building process. As long as the content is genuine and the keywords are not stuffed (they are organically placed), the website will slowly begin to climb in rankings. 

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