February 18, 2021 - Natalya

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How to Always Create Relevant Social Media Content

We live in an amazing time: digital marketing is becoming an integral part of our lives. The continuous evolution of information delivery methods, improved technologies, and new users’ involvement open up new opportunities for businesses daily. When hunting for leads in the virtual market, you will probably encounter content marketing. Creating relevant social media content is a key step in building and maintaining relationships with your customers.

The first and main stage of content marketing is creating information that meets consumers’ desires and needs. The content leads them to you. The next step – the information should inspire consumers to make a purchase, to convince them that your company is the best. In the third stage, the content provides the latest arguments in favor of your brand. The circle is closed: you have a steady influx of new customers, who then turn into loyal users of your products or services – and, finally, advertise your brand on their own.

The coronavirus pandemic has changed not only our offline lives but also our online habits. Internet users turn to social media for current events and news. Facebook reported a 70% increase in usage as of March 2020. While earlier, the key to success was the regular posting of high-quality content, today, everything becomes more complicated. Creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content only must attract and retain your audience nowadays.

Let’s dive into this topic and check out how to always create relevant social media content.

What Social Media Content is Relevant Today?

The pandemic has reinforced consuming even more content on social media than before. With the rise of social distancing, we have been seeking new ways to connect, work, entertain, and get news. We are online more than ever now.

During the lockdown, the vast majority of shopping and entertainment has switched entirely to digital channels. And social networks are playing an increasingly important role in people’s brand awareness behavior. Marketers quickly re-prioritize and re-evaluate how they can best connect with today’s consumers. The increased online engagement and conversions are now essential to business success.

So, what does it mean to create relevant, sustainable, and cost-effective content to build trust, grow sales, and deepen long-term customer relationships? The core values have not changed – the content should resonate with your target audience.

  • Be helpful. You should focus on creating valuable content that will help your audience. Catch your users’ concerns and interests and deliver the content they do need today.
  • Share trustworthy data. Being honest means having your own opinion and not changing your position for the sake of advertising. Even if you write an advertising post about the company’s products, be sure to highlight the disadvantages if there are any.
  • Share knowledge. Giving people knowledge means attracting the best customers in the world. Put yourself in your client’s shoes. What would you prefer – to learn something new or once again watch a beautiful ad? You help them learn new things, which means an investment that brings income for many years.
  • Provide a distraction. You need to offer your audience a break and have fun from time to time. Entertainment content solves this problem. People are happy to discuss the hot news or comment on a provocative post. Therefore, combine informational and selling posts with relevant entertainment content.
  • Share a sense of community and connection. During tough times it is incredibly essential to give support and feel of community to your clients. Identify your unique value and base yourself upon it in your messages and communications.

10 Tips to Building a Successful Social Media Presence

The algorithms of social networks show your content to those who are involved. The main thing is the quality of the audience; it is a priority. A high-quality content leads to an increase in the number of followers and, accordingly, to increased sales. Keep reading to discover the top 10 tips to create relevant, high-quality content and build an effective social media presence. 

1. Define your primary goals. Even if you are present on different social platforms, make sure that your goals are consistent with each other. The pursuit of new leads on social media will not bring the desired results if your business’s main goal is to increase brand awareness and retain customers. Whether you are trying to increase brand awareness, improve communication with customers, or increase trust in the brand, the content goals should be clearly specified.

2. Create a portrait of your perfect subscriber/follower. It is a description of a person who is likely to become your subscriber or be interested in your content. This tool allows you to understand whom you are creating the content for. You will stay consistent and create content thinking about a particular character and evaluating how much he is interested in a specific post. In addition to general demographic data, you will also need information about your target audience’s preferences, motivation, problems, fears, goals, tasks, and other psychographic indicators of your ideal client.

3. Be a human and build a relationship with your client. Business success almost directly depends on how well you know the client. Personalized customer experience increases loyalty and revenue, and the art of sales is building a relationship with the customer. There is a positive effect of maintaining more human-friendly relations with customers — they will recommend your business, and confidence in the solutions offered by you will be higher. Turn quality customer communication into an effective marketing tool and an advantage for your business.

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4. Structure your content. A well-structured post will allow you to get a greater response than a banal few paragraphs of text. Here it is important to simplify the “consumption” of information for the reader. There are several ways to do this:

  • Choose a title that will work.
  • Break the text into semantic blocks, be sure to add subheadings.
  • Use numbered and bulleted lists for a more comfortable perception of information.
  • Write small paragraphs and be concise. Sometimes a single sentence is enough to convey a key idea.
  • Avoid complicated terminology, and write more simply and understandably for your audience.

5. Analyze your competitors. If you work in a highly competitive niche, you need to know which of your competitors’ materials are in high demand among the clients. This analytics helps you determine what effective approaches your competitors use and apply those best practices in your business. Analyze competitors’ work with the audience to understand popular categories and topics that will raise the reach and contribute to solving business problems.

6. Be creative and experiment. Do not be afraid to experiment. Having already gained your audience, you can try to change the content’s topic, use some new methods of presenting information, and change its format. Of course, it is difficult to predict how your followers will perceive such changes. However, to find out, you need to take a chance and try to change something. You can also ask your audience directly what type of content/topics they are interested in.

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7. Try to trigger emotions. Emotions influence greatly on what we buy. Imagine that you were shown two commercials in a row. One was just informative; the other made you laugh or feel sad. Most likely, you will remember the second one better. The advertising content must evoke the right emotion, and marketers’ task is to help it take shape. Then the promoted product/service will remain in the memory of consumers.

8. Use video content. Video continues to be one of the important trends in social networks. Posting videos on social media is the perfect strategy to get your audience’s attention. Video marketers achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness. So, the brands that use video to showcase their personality, products, or services will be ahead of the rest in 2021. Just do not forget the basic tips and tricks for creating catchy videos on social media: make them short and enjoyable, upload videos to your feed whenever possible, and make them fun.

9. Use incentives. Social media contests and giveaways are still a very popular promotion tactic to increase engagement rates and audience activity. Contests are the formats that are suitable for any social network, with different terms and conditions. You can conduct contests independently or attract other accounts as organizers or sponsors. If the number of sponsors exceeds 5, the game turns into a giveaway: everyone contributes to the total prize pool, which is played between several participants. The main goal of giveaways is to quickly attract subscribers to the participants’ profiles in the social network.

10. Monitor your activity. It is essential not only to be active in social media but also to measure your activity results (monitor how subscribers react to your actions). Collect feedback and check out the mentions to find out how often and what is said about you on the web. The market offers many tools and services to automate this process. Try to implement the tools in your marketing strategy and make your business promotion even more effective. 


If this year you plan to increase the number of customers and the level of brand awareness, you cannot do without social networks. People search for information on social media, which provides an excellent opportunity to attract organic traffic to the website. Social networks actively interfere with users’ news feeds, providing them with the most relevant content. However, no matter how numerous the ranking factors are, representatives of all social networks claim that it is crucial to create the most relevant and “catchy” content for the audience. Get the most of our tips on how to create compelling content. Novelty, “interesting” ideas, the level of visual design, presentation style, content formats… all of this directly affects reach, views, and other important engagement metrics. 

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